Driving under the influenceDrunk in charge of a vehicle! strange though he was in a rented yellow Lamborghini? You would have thought he had enough opf his own to go "drag racing" on the street.
He apperently admitted to drinking and smoking marijuana as well as driving with an expired licence.
This latest encounter comes after he was arrested after pelting his neighbours house with eggs! Sounds like he needs his mum to slap his legs!
Talking to a colleague, "lets call her Debs! at work she told me her sister came home form work to find she had had burglars. Usual stuff taken laptop, ipad etc. The boys in blue were really on the ball though, being able to lift the scumbags fingerprints they caught him the same day. This story from Sky News tells us the 20 worst burglary hotspots in England. A home insurance "expert" says just because somewhere is a burglasry hotspot doesnt mean its not a nice place to live! - - --
Welsh storms have revealed a stone age landscape according to this story from the BBC
This is the "after pic" from the article with the "before" one showing just a flat sandy beach. The remains of trees 6 thousand years old were exposed when a section of the coast was "pushed back" 50 feet.
Great video - - -
This story from the Mail - I like this one. Andrew Woodhouse tackled 2 burglars, or should that be "bunglers" trying to relieve him of his livelihood. Breaking the legs and an arm of one Bungler and sitting on the other until the cops arrived, the prosecutor said he had committed "an unreasonable and unlawful assault"

Bungler 2 with drink and dog, he's the one on the left - - -
Closer to home
At the fun factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) yesterday I discussed with a colleague, "lets call him Glen" The less than 100% score (81.5%)of the latest mystery customer visit. It had been 2 Sundays ago and the narrative of the report indicated it could be either Glen or me!
Sure enough today I was approached by the store manager and although he said "no problem, great service" although I had been been "down scored" because I didn't ask the customer if I could show him/her to the product they asked about.
You can usually "read" if the customer is asking to be shown or will just accept directions so I had badly misread this one.
I immediately changed my opening statement after the obligatory "hello there" and now repeat the item in question and say "would you like me to take you to it or will directions be ok?"
A little later a customer asked me where the eggs were and I chanted my "lines" at him. "Oh directions will be ok" he replied. "Behind you" I said and went back to my task! - - - !
Enjoy the day
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