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Sunday 26 January 2014

Princess pushy writing a book! & Free speech not allowed at work!

I've always though Princess Michael of Kent was a bit of an oddball.  Her appearance on the front page of the Sunday Express only confirms my suspicions

Ok it could all be a misquote and taken out of context etc etc but the text from the story inside the paper makes me convinced she's lost the plot

This interview on Canadian TV sounds like a good bit of "book promotion" but i fear she might be further out in the cold than she was before back home ! - - -

kitten video worth a watch is this one I cant get a pic from the video but the cat is one of those with the ears folded permanently back so it looks really cute!  - - -

Talking of the weather this story says its going to be more rain on the way
We really are getting such a wet winter and there's plenty of time left for it to get even wetter.  the forecast indicates its going to get colder so we might even see some snow!

I really must stop including the Bieber boy in my blog

The text of This story has a bit of a sinister edge to it.  Mention of steroids and then ignoring his management team who want him to go "Check into rehab"  Rehab at 19 years old!  this can only end in tears! - - - -

Closer to home
Yesterday was one of the big garden birdwatch days

The only trouble was the weather wasn't playing.  For the most part it was a windy rainy day and in the afternoon we had a bit of a storm and the birds just didn't visit the garden.  We though we might give it another go on Tuesday -  - weather permitting! - - -

Down at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) I looked at a piece of info on a notice board and it was from the "A good place to work team" ok I am far toooooo! old to believe in all the corporate bullshit but it makes the kids feel that the company cares so i guess it might have some good points.  Tucked away at the bottom of the report was a piece about "Social Media" and mention of not discussing colleagues on social media sites.
Ok I can buy that because there is a lot of bullying on "those sites" but I couldn't quite believe the next bit.  It indicated that "Disciplinary action may be taken against colleagues who discus Sainsbury's on social media sites"  It would appear then that "free speech" is "not an option" if you work for the company !  - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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