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Friday 10 January 2014

Flood prevention plans in disaray! & Customer antics at the fun factory

It comes as no surprise to read in this story that there has been a 4 year delay in agreeing to rules for new housing developments to prevent flooding getting any worse.
DEFRA (Destroy Every Farm and Rural Area) is involved and therefore any actual decision making may never be completed.
The "Home Builders Federation" complain that the cost involved will have an impact on their profits but looking at the way they build new estates at present with plywood structures covered in "cladding bricks" they should all be millionaires! - - -

The Met office have come out with a cracking comment from this story about our recent bout of very wet weather
Train travels over flooded tracks in Oxford on WednesdayIt appears that the Met Office are unsure if the weather is "because of climate change"
This comes on the back of a comment by the Prime Minister who "very much suspected that an increase in abnormal weather events was linked to climate change"
Surely this waether is "not normal" so it would suggest that the climate is changing?  - - - is it me?!
Sweet: Amanda Cable decided to switch her sons' diet but found it had more sugar
 I blogged yesterday that "sugar was the new tobacco" but here's a story which tries to prove healthy eating has more sugar than a normal diet
The mother in the pic decided to put her boys on a healthy eating regime only to find that there was more sugar than her previous boys munchings.
I rather like though that to explain sugar content in "teaspoons" makes far more sense than all this 10gm or 2.06gm per 100gm serving etc!

Nearer to home.
Phase one of our winter garden project; Yesterday we managed to complete the planting of a whole host of laurel bushes to form a hedge between one of our new land purchases and that of our neighbours garden.
Phase two; swings into action next Tuesday when we will take delivery of the bits of decking we intend to erect to complete the project.  watch this space.
The garden project has the unlikely expense of a new door bell.!? We have/had one of those wind up ones and when the delivery man turned up with the laurel bushes he pressed it and it wouldn't stop.   I fiddled with it and it stopped - - - however it now no longer rings when the button is pressed!

Down at the fun factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) the management are trumpeting the excellent results over the xmas period although the store has hardly made the sales targets for the last few days.

The usual requests for this product or the other had an amusing angle today when i was asked if we had any Christmas Puddings?! I looked quizzically at the man, who was grinning before i suggested he call again in October!
I was recalling the story to a colleague supervising the self service check outs and she said, " I can beat that!" She had been approached sometime earlier by a man who, pointing at the tangerines asked if they were lemons"  She indicated where the lemons were and the man thanked her and went on his way - - - !?
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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