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Thursday 16 January 2014

Bitcoins again & I'm all cracked up

A bitcoin

A bitcoin vault  with insurance has been set up to ensure owners keep their little piles of virtual currency where it should be.  The story mentions the epic loss of £4.6m when the owner threw away an old hard drive with the bitcoin wallet on it.
Finding an insurer proved a little difficult as "The industry is very conservative and they didn't understand Bitcoin"  - - I don't think they are on their own there sunshine! - - - The story though includes yet another "explanation" of "what Bitcoin is" - - - -
The front page of the Daily Express

The daily express excels itself this morning proclaiming! A cure for all cancers is on the way!
If you then look at their website for details its hard to find and the watered down headline is actually "Cure for most cancers soon"  - - -

The Mail has a story from Baltimore Maryland (I used to wonder why the USA seem always to indicate where a place is rather than saying "Birminham" "like wot we would" but it becomes obvious when you realise how many "duplicates" both the USA and Canada for that matter have!)
However, the story indicates
Boost: Researchers found a strong cup of coffee can improve people's ability to recall images"Drinking a strong cup of coffee after a learning session can improve recall"  Aaaaah! that's where I've been going wrong!   There are some interesting facts in the story indicating that the time spent proving the theory was not "all" wasted!  It incoudes an amusing "Pugh" cartoon!  -- - -

A wildfire in the Stoneville area, a suburb east of Perth in the state of Western Australia, on January 12, 2014

As we are being deluged with rain in the UK, thank goodness its not been snow! its high summer in Australia and they are on high alert for their usual round of Brush fires!

A huge swathe of the country is flagged as "Heatwave" and the more extreme dangers are around the South and South East.  I notice some reports about the  disruption of the Australian Tennis Tournament  with the temps exceeding 40c causing play to be halted!  - - -

Closer to home
After dinner the other day I helped with the washing up and then was wiping down one of the ceramic hobs and it didnt "feel quite right" There was a ridge on its normally flat surface.  Closer inspection revealed a crack from one side of the top to the other.
Here it can be seen "meandering its expensive way across the whole thing"  "Replacement"  cried the "head chef" and I was despatched to the internet to find one!
The following day, with agreement from the "head chef" we had "reserved" a replacement from "Curry's" and I shot over to Chesterfield to pick it up"
"No problem, 10 minute job to swap it" Knowing this would not be the case I assembled the tools for the job.
Challenge number 1

The old hole, cut many years ago was not big enough!
Challenge number 2
With the hole enlarged it was discovered a cross bracing bit of chipboard for the cooker module would have to go as the new hob was deeper than the old.
With the new hob in place
Challenge number 3
What does this control do when pressed!? - - -

I was interrupted at this stage by a loud knock on the door - you will recall from a previous blog a delivery man managed to get the wind up bell stuck in the "ringing" position and i broke it trying to silence the thing.

Ah ah! the delivery man with our garden project decking kits - - all hands to the pumps to unload!
Luckily after attempting to rearrange the stables at the top of the drive the truck was positioned next to "our patch".  For this I will be eternally grateful having not quite realised how much wood there was to make up 2, 4.8m by 2.4m decking and pergola kits.  "Ok then team all this has to go up by the shed, go!"  Team? - - Team!?    - - - watch this space!

Enjoy the day
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