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Sunday 20 September 2015

Some of Mr Corbyns dirty laundry on show! & its Sally's PC's turn for Windows 10!

 Another BBC own goal after the licence fee money is used to silence a Jim'll fix it victim - - - 
It would only be a matter of time before Mr Corbyn had some dirty laundry exposed after his election as party leader.  His first wife dishes the dirt thick and heavy about their separation back and eventual divorce back in 1969!  His "Fascination with women" has earned him the name of the "Sexpot Trot" - - - no doubt there will be more to come - - - 
Haven't watched it since the ninety's but the current Corrie "saga"makes it look More interesting off the set than on  with cast and crew overjoyed at the scheduled leaving of the Boss Stuart Blackburn, interesting to note that there's going to be a "live episode" this Wednesday", why? - - -
Always not far from the front page "the Migrant issue" with this startling news that some are refusing to go to Denmark because the benefits are too small apparently "the salary (!) for refugees recently reduced by £500"   Finland & Sweden seem to be high on the list of where to ask to go because migrant families can join them earlier than in other countries - - - - - - 
This is Beck Withers an American climber who was twice left for dead on Everest when in 1996 12 other climbers would die in the same blizzard conditions.  Even reading the story is gripping and i have seen the documentary more than once.  The film currently being advertised is a "MUST SEE" - - - 
Its Windows 10 again OK OK, its getting tedious now i know but with Sally's previously blogged hatred of Windows 8.1 i suggested she move on to the Free Windows 10 OS not thinking for a minute she would be interested.  OK then how do we do it she announced after lunch yesterday and after backing up most of her "stuff" on an external drive and printing off a couple of e mails we pressed the button. 
Unlike the old Toshiba which had virtually nothing other than the Windows 7 OS on it her machine is chock full of games e mail apps and the like.  It did take a couple of hours it has to be said but by tea time it was purring away on Windows 10 as if nothing had happened.  I had been safe in the knowledge that its easy to roll back to your previous Windows version but could just imagine the "told you so's" if it hadn't worked.  Good on you Mr Gates! - - - 
Sally has reported seeing mushrooms on her morning walk - - - time to go and look! 
 a bit chilly in the less than 6c outside!
the weathercam has a look of "the mists of Autumn fruitfulness" about it this morning.  The day yesterday was quite sunny in between the banks of cloud today looks like it might be the same once the mist/fog clears
Enjoy the day 
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