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Sunday 13 September 2015

Labour new leader & time to potter

 The new labour leader hardly has time to get his feet under the table before the Express has a go - - - 
The Mail, and others dont seem to have much confidence in him either - - - 
I wondered how long it would be before the SNP started shuffling their feet for another Scottish Independence vote - - - Bit of a case of "it its not broken keep on fixing it until it is" - - - good luck Scotland - - - 
this is a food bank store in Nuneaton where allegedly the people who donate, the ones who help out in it and especially the manager Adrian Curtis are all being "taken for a ride".  the story tells of people going there for food then selling it door to door to fund their drug habits.  Adrian says,  "incidents such as this are extremely rare", one of their "customers" says,  "its a common thing round here plenty of people do it, its got to be better than burgling a house" - - - So the new food bank slogan should be "Donate food so your house wont get burgled" ?! - - - 
Twas a nice easy day yesterday after the Lake district trip with a little work done on putting more pics in "the book".  Today is looking like it might be a pottering in the garden day 

Weather now 
 still very cool out in the garden at 5.4c 
the weathercam pic shows an  almost clear sky and forecasters are leaning towards a dry sunny day with the cloud only increasing late afternoon 

Enjoy the day 
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