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Thursday 3 September 2015

Migrant crisis all our fault & heather in bloom locally

Damning evidence that "its all our fault" plastered all over the front of the Express this morning the "truth" of the matter  is its all about EU politics policies,  and EU politicians - - - my my, now there's a surprise  - - - 
There are 3 Trillion trees on earth  according to this story - - - Mmmm  
with the weatherpeeps threatening rain all day once again yesterday i ventured forth early morn 
 deciding on a route i hadn't done in a long while i was curious to see the word "Fell" on the side of this tree, i surmised that as this track had been widened a year or so a go it must be for access to the re-opened Chatsworth Quarry 
 a few strides up the track i could hardly believe that what once was the meandering path through the woods was now wide enough for vehicles 
the topped track led onto a part of the track that had not been finished  
 afew yards on it reverted to the small footpath?? 
 so it was upwards and onwards over the footbridge 
 when i reached the Chatsworth quarry it was obvious that although it might have been re-opened no vehicles had passed through this entrance in a long time - - - strange? 
 gaining the high ground a sunny aspect greeted me 
 the clouds however appeared to be all around the area of blue sky above 
 great views 
 passing an old stone barn and outbuildings which is the highest point on the walk i always think of "Des. Res. in need of some renovation!" what a great place for a house
 it was then that i noticed the heather is in in bloom 
 the purple patches of heather blooms can be seen for miles 
 back down the hill and over this stream on my way to Beeley 
 we have picked blackberries around here but they are not up to much for size this year 
 down in Beeley which is a Chatsworth Estate village you see the familiar blue coloured doors and gutters which are a feature of all Chatsworth Estate buildings 

undeterred by the "rain all day" forecasts we venture out to lunch 

 the swallow at left on the gutter above us is being fed by the parent at right, amazing to think that by the end of September they will both be in Africa after their migration! 
with the rain clouds obviously gathering away to the right of this pic we leave for home - - - the clouds didnt affect our area so no rain at all that day! - - - 
local weather right now 
 feeling very "cool" out in the 8c earlier, it appears to be warming now 
the weathercam is showing a very dull pic at present, forecasters once again threaten rain at anytime during the day but its getting time to ignore them methinks! I'm hoping to replace the camera on the weathercam today with one that should give greater clarity - - - we shall see. 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders  

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