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Friday 4 September 2015

EU migrant confusion & Toshiba laptop wont play

The Express downgrades the "aspirin can help fight off cancer" revelation to a banner headline in favour of the increasing EU confusion over the "migrant issue" - - - 
a bloke caught out in a storm in the Lake District climbed into one of the Stretcher boxes for shelter.  Having fallen asleep a passing couple of walkers noticed it was unlocked and promptly flipped the latches locking him in.  12 hours later after frantic calls of "let me out" were heard by a couple of other walkers he managed to get out! 
this sheep called "Chris" had managed to evade the shearers for a while, 40kg of wool was taken off it when it was finally clipped - - - great pics - - - 
bit of a "casual day yesterday although i did manage to change the weathercam for a better model (see hopefully a better pic below) and in attempting to stop the Toshiba laptop crashing did a "drive image re-store" which went completely wrong and it wont fire up now - - - oh dear - - - lol . 
current weather 
 once again the temp is in single figures 
the new weathercam is in situ.  It is a superior model to the last one and should give clearer pics, from the angle its at right now it looks like it needs a little adjustment.  Weather forecasters are not predicting any rain for us today although the recent days have not followed their ideas!- - - 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders  

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