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Wednesday 2 September 2015

Heart Danger in Fizzy drinks now & Autumn is switching on as my hand Op looks a success

The leader in the Express has study evidence showing there is a 43% greater chance of having heart attacks,  stroke or vascular disease if you drink fizzy diet drinks - - - once again proving the theory that eventually "Everything" is bad for you! - - - 
This piece of cloth is sea silk  made from the solidified saliva of a large clam! - - - Mmmmmmm - - - interesting story and nice pics though - - - 
The situation in Yemen  continues to get worse as reports indicate the Jihadist's are now infiltrating the port city of Aden - - - If and when they get established,  there is only one way they can go, - - - East into Oman and then the Gulf states? - - - 
 A nice start to the day with an early walk yesterday 
 looking South out on the walk 
 these young "Sulphur tuft" fungi look set to populate the whole of this tree stump  
 looking West over the golf course with a very heavy dew on the grass the clouds are building on the horizon 
 a few Horse Mushrooms on the golf course let you know its time to, switch on Autumn! 
 these 2 young calves a wondering what i'm doing as i pass 
 i spot the Swan family once i start to walk back down the river 
 this egg was just sitting on the river bank its about the size of a hens egg but I have no idea how it got there 
 a final view across the river before i prepare to go Down to Derby Hospital for my hand appointment 
the before pic 
and yesterday's after pic, the results of the op are plain to see in the straight index and little fingers - - - result! - - - 
the idea of the appointment is to take off the post op bandaging and cast to give the wounds a bit of a clean up.  A fresh, lighter bandage is applied and then i see the therapist and night splint people.  To help stop the fingers curling back in the night splint has to be worn for 6 months! - - - the scars on the web of my thumb and forefinger are what i expected and the 2 palm ones don't look too extensive.  The one on my little finger was a surprise with it stretching the whole length, mind you the lump to be removed was pretty big. 
Back next Monday to get the stitches removed  
 cool this morning with the single figure Temp 
the weathercam shows a very cloudy sky and the forecasters are promising rain during the day 
Enjoy the day 
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