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Saturday 12 September 2015

Red wine pill to stop dementia? & a day up in the Lake District

 A red wine pill can "stop" dementia says the Express headline but the text behind it  tells us it can "slow" the progress of the disease - - -  
The Mail is on a crusade to have Sgt Blackman  released from jail - - - should he have ever gone to prison in the first place? - - - 
With the nights drawing in and the weather cooler i decided to take a trip to the Lake District, maybe the last "camping" trip this year 
 the trip up was uneventful and the weather as predicted was fine as i stopped in the shadow of Helvellyn to stretch my legs 
the view down Thirlmere was in stark contrast to the extreme windy conditions Sally and i experienced earlier in the year 
 the view across Derwentwater shows a flat calm with the reflection of the hills in the distance 
just a bit of mist on the very tops of the mountains at the top of the Borrowdale Valley.  The plot is to walk up to the Stretcher box then straight up to the top of Great Gable descend to Green Gable and return to the van via Sour Milk Gill 
 i had noticed an alternative to walking up the southern side of the valley along the track to Stockley Bridge and decided to follow it.  The reward is a scrambly track and a great view of this waterfall 
 the more traditional track up from Stockley Bridge follows the line of trees the other side of the waterfall  
just about level with the top of the waterfall and looking back down into the valley.  The traditional track can be seen turning to cross stockley bridge way below
still ascending and looking back towards the trees just above the waterfall 
the bridge in the middle of this pic is where the Stockley Bridge track meets the one i am on Scafell Pike has a bit of mist on its summit 
 arriving at the stretcher box its a simple right turn and straight up Great Gable's stony track  
 its a slog! 
 at the top though magnificent views, this one North towards Keswick the wind is light to moderate and definitely has a cold edge to it up here 
this is the scrambly bit down to windy gap, lots of lose rock here, not the place to go dislodging any if like this bloke hes coming up below me.  
 the weather is still holding and the view across to Sprinkling Tarn, Great End and the route up to Scafell Pike is clear 
 the hard work completed i stroll down the easy track to the top of Sour Milk Gill.  This couple stopped me to check their position and although they had a walking guide book and full scale map they had unfortunately gone the wrong way.  After chatting to them and suggesting an alternative route they were happy to carry on up to Green Gable and then descend to their original route. 
at the top of Sour Milk Gill i was asked by these 2 Welsh youngsters where the route for Scafell Pike was.  they had no map no guide book and no idea where they were.  Their unswerving confidence came from having "gone up Snowdon" which in relation to getting to and up Scafell is a completely different kettle of fish.  After chatting to them and following them back down to Seathwaite i managed to dissuade them from attempting the route, it was after 2pm already and they risked having to come back down in the dark. 
 popping into Keswick the market was in town and this stall of Chainsaw art caught my eye 
driving back up the valley a few sheep were being transferred from one pasture to another along the road 
 settling down for the night the weather was still holding 
 the following morning it was a whole different ball game with windy conditions and mist half way down the valley 
 i had always wanted to walk up the hill from the Honnister Slate Mine car park so it was time to give it a go 
 the actual mine is way down the hill but there's a large quarry at the top of the track
 the cloud is just above the summit here and the wind is howling, as i walk back down i almost get blown off my feet 
back at the mine car park the weather is actually clearing a little but its time to grab a bacon cob and head for home - - - might try Helvellyn before winter sets in - - - 
Weather now in Darley Dale 
 we might have a double figure Temp. but its raining rather well and has been for a while with almost 7mm of rain overnight 
the weathercam sets the scene with even the other side of the valley cloaked in mist and rain 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders 

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