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Saturday 19 September 2015

Maddy search might come to an end & I have Windows 10!

 Not something that is normally paraded by the Express but  Coverage of the hunt for Maddy takes centre stage with police getting £2m on top of the reported £10.1m cost since her disappearance in 2007.  Hints that the operation is to be closed next spring are mentioned in the text - - - 
Front page story in the Mail, and big coverage in a number of news media is the fact that 4 out of 5 Migrants  coming into the EU are not Syrians.  The reader comments at the bottom of the article are the usual spreading of for and against! - - - 
After what has seemed an interminable amount of time from ordering to delivery our new freezer was delivered very efficiently yesterday by Argos, after being ordered from Homebase, Now how does that work? .  We had an automated message the day before telling us the delivery window time and that the delivery men would phone before hand.  This they did and said package was with us and unpacked in no time.
Following the instructions to let it stand for a few hours we then eagerly switched it on and it purred away as we transferred items from the old one.  Sally had completed a "journey into the unknown" into the environs of the old freezer chucking out stuff that might have been in there "for some time".  Our range of "recovered" plastic containers has once again grown!
Deciding to "re-cycle" the old freezer as shelves in the shed we dragged it up the stairs at the back of the house only smashing a nice fruit bowl on the way - - - dont ask!.  It should be defrosted by now, the old freezer not the fruit bowl, so that's today's outside job for me!
I have Windows 10 on the old Toshiba laptop!!!!!!  After signing up yesterday and thinking it might take a while before i got the OS i was surprised to see it downloading later.  Sure enough i was prompted to install it and after making a disc image of the old Windows 7 OS i hit the install button. All seemed to go well then the screen told me a Windows 10 update had failed and it rolled back the laptop to Windows 7.
Undaunted i let it download again and while it did i was searching the net with the update number which failed.  I came across a number of horror stories about stuff not working after the upgrade! but hey! its only an exercise for me so i let it continue.
Finally, there it was and with Sally's dislike of Windows 8.1 ringing in my ears i poked a finger at Windows 10.  So far it looks good,  the usual destroying of all my drivers by installing Windows "again" has vanished and everything "appears" to function, even the old W7 applications are on the desktop.  I like the new "IE" app thing called Edge which seems quite fast. More anon - - -
 once again a cool start to the day
the mist in the valley can be seen clearing away in the pic, you couldn't see the other side of the valley not long ago.  the sky looks to be a 50/50 job at the moment and most of the forecasters are indicating it will be a sunny day
Enjoy the day 
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