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Thursday 17 September 2015

Migrants making us want out of the EU & a pleasant weather day today

The Express devotes its main story to the migrant crisis fuelling support for Britain to leave the EU mention is made in the text of the Know EU  pressure group who it claims have 120k members as well as Nigel Farage who is leading the UKIP "out" campaign 
A Tsunami alert was issued in  Chile as a 8.3 magnitude earthquake shook the capital city of Santiago the pic above is of residents in Valparaiso gathering on high ground above their coastline.  5 fatalities have so far been recorded and 1000's of people have been ordered to evacuate coastal habitation .  There are also fears any tsunami waves could affect Hawahii and the USA western coast    
great video of a a whale breaching but the couple in the kayak, from London, thought it a little "too close for comfort" when it landed on their kayak - - - 
Mr Corbyns first PMQ's gets a savaging from Quinten Letts in the Mail branding it "gutless bloodless bland and biege".  QL's idea is that PMQ should be the rowdy spectacle it has "always been".  - - - Mr Corbyn has the look of the LGM (little grey man) in the pic above not what you would expect of a leader - - - we shall see - - - 
I walked in the afternoon rather than early morning yesterday altogether a different experience although the early morning stillness wins hands down for me 
 the 2 fields of planted crops are doing great, it will be interesting to see if they are going to be harvested for feed or left over winter - - - still don't know what they are
 this hawthorn bush has its berries and the leaves are starting to turn although they did have the look of a fungal tint to them rather than the autumn mantle

 looking across the river up towards the Nine Ladies location there are plenty signs of the approaching autumn
 the Temp has just dipped under 4c but will no doubt rise once the sun gets into the valley
the weathercam has a nice clear sky and with only a predicted 5% chance of any rain today and a top temp of 17c it looks like it might be a pleasant day
Enjoy the day 
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