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Monday 21 September 2015

2015 newborns to get Dementia & a busy day for us

According to the Express front page headline kids born in 2015 are heading for a Dementia crisis the detail of a study suggests 37% of women and 27% of men will finish up with the disease - - - surely all the research and former headlines of cures and ways of finding out if you have it before it surfaces will have advanced somewhat before then.  Lots of coverage of Joan Collins's death in the papers yesterday and today 
Before her morning stroll Sally and LM do a bit of computing! 
 Time to cut the grass out the front of the house.  Years ago we had this idea to have grasses on our terraces in the garden at the back of the house.  It failed because they didnt seem to be able to grow much at all.  Moving them out of one of the terraces seemed to give them what they needed and now we have them all over the place
So there we are for another year 
 Sally mentioned she had seen some mushrooms on her morning stroll so i set off to have a look  
 Quite nice little specimens they look like ordinary field mushrooms but we had both noticed they turned yellow when you touched the cap so decided they must be the inedible agaricus-xanthodermus or yellow stainer 
 a little further on i spotted these but am not sure what they are 
a quick turn around the field and walking back up the river bank the mist/fog was stubbornly still sitting in the valley 
We will be visiting N0 1 daughter (the elder) this week so its time to get some logs to take with us for her winter store 
 Sally distracts Bertie with ginger biscuits as i get Boris through the gate 
 its crystal clear sunshine up here but you can see the mist filling the valley looking back in the direction of our house 
 the sheep seem to think our bags have food for them and start to gather round 
 they soon catch on and lose interest 
 Bertie has come down the hill knowing we have more biscuits and try's to scrounge some more 
while i fill up the bags from the stash - some of the wood in here must be from 2012/3 fellings 
after such a busy start to the day we decide to sit in the garden but the glorious earlier sunshine is now clouded over.  Just before we go in a Robin in the tree catches LM's attention but he fails to capitalize on it! 
 a mild temp and just a little breeze to start the day 
The weathercam looks pic looks a little drab this morning.  Forecasters are 100% sure its going to rain most of the daylight hours today 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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