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Tuesday 22 September 2015

Indian Summer then Polar Winter! & the hand is progressing well according to the Hospital

 A familiar "tale" is being told on the front page of the Express this morning and the PM's humiliation is just a banner headline 
The Mirror holds nothing back though with bits about the book by Lord Ashcroft savaging the PM in all its glory.  - - - politicians hey! - - - 
Something just as unpredictable as "politicians" is our weather Plunging Atlantic Ocean temperatures are to blame for our "experts" predicting that we are in for the coldest and snow laden winter in 50 years. the article , in the Express is full of "facts" that we will have to endure months of heavy snow and the really cold weather will be with us as early as the end of October! 
But wait a minute! 
According to this article also in the Express there's an Indian Summer on the way.  Right now we are having a few days of rain but by the weekend its going to be 20c and last until the second half of October - - - our weather hey! - - - 
I had a trip to the Hand Unit in Derby Hospital yesterday and spoke to a really good therapist who informed me my recovery from the Op is going to plan.  Going in on the early train i was surprised at how many "youngsters" were on their way into Derby college/university no doubt.  They struck me as surprisingly well behaved alongside the many commuters going into work - - - thank goodness i am spared that any longer! - - - the work commuting not the good behaviour! 
 the Temp this morning is just nudging on the "mild" side 
the weathercam pic is looking like it might rain any minute with the low cloud/mist on the rim of the valley.  After overnight rain the forecasters are indicating more of the same throughout the day 
Enjoy the day 
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