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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Life on Mars! & Back from Helvellyn

Life on Mars! a stunning pic of the moon and we are ready to quit the EU according to the banners but the main headline is the Blood pressure link to Diabetes covered by a couple of newspapers this morning 
With the Indian Summer in full swing i decided to have a go at Helvellyn from the Glenridding/Patterdale side which would incorporate the "Striding Edge" 
Setting off mega early i was ascending the Kirkstone pass at around 08:15 
 having got to Gillside Farm campsite i set up the tent had a cup of tea and set off at 10:00
 the entrance to the campsite is on the bottom of the track leading up the mountain 
the weather was fantastic as i slogged up the main track 
 the view back down to Glenridding just gets better the higher you go 
 at the top of the first hill and in sight of the summit in the distance 
 a welcoming song from this bird atop the cairn

Striding edge stretches out in front of me 
 almost at the end of the edge is the chimney, a nice little scramble 
then its a slog up to the top to be rewarded with a great view back down the edge 
a bloke asked me to take his pic then reciprocated for me.  He said it was 25 years since he had tried Striding Edge with his Father 
i told him about the time i was last on the Edge in 1962,  53 years ago as a boy soldier and one of our group had a vertigo attack on the chimney, i think the chimney pic above is the same spot as in this pic
the views on the summit are very clear 
 here's the route back down on the left 
one last look back up at Striding Edge and the Helvellyn summit 
 the walk back down is on a fairly wide track and i soon see Cyril parked up on the campsite field below, Its been a great walk and has taken 4 hours 15 minutes by the time i get back to the van 
 time for a bit of refreshment 
 I manage to get this moon shot at around 4 a.m. 
by 08:30 I stop on the Kirkstone Pass on my way home

Weather now 
 11c! very warm this morning 
this was as the sun was leaving the valley yesterday 
its still quite dark out and there looks to be a bit of mist about, Forecasters are predicting a fine day with variable amounts of cloud and sunshine 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

Monday 28 September 2015

more pension pot misery & to the hills for me!

 A familiar tale on the front of the Express this morning 
This is a great story The stranger and the ring - - - 
 its pretty cool out but with an early start its to be expected 
still dark outside, there's a bit of mist around, the forecasters are pointing toward a sunny cloudy day=============================
Off to the hills today 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

Sunday 27 September 2015

Statins age you faster! & I go to a "bit of a do"

 The S Express has a great line on the front page. After singing the praises of statins,  "a study!" now suggests Statins age you faster - - - 
Interesting titbit in the telegraph about Mr Corbyn's previous activities  = = = 
I hitched up with a couple of old friends Friday for "a do" 
not sure whats wrong with this photo? dodgy exposure i guess, I'm on the right 
 Afterwards we went on to a very exclusive club 
and had a great time - - - 
 pretty cool this morning at just above 6c 
the weather cam has a restricted view because of the fog but forecasters sound pretty confident that it will turn into a sunny day 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

Friday 25 September 2015

Unlimited family benefits says Corbyn & House Martins are still about!

The Express puts the usual health issue into the banner headlines to make a huge display on the fact that EU "out" campaigners are now forming up under one banner called "Leave EU" - - - 
the new labour leader is going to make a few people happy with the headline on this story Let families claim unlimited benefits , to the people that "pay in" but have never had "a penny" out its not such good news - - - 
With the Helvellyn idea for Monday Tuesday in my mind i decided a couple of hours walk to Nine Ladies and back was in order yesterday.
 the start up the River Bank shows the kind of morning it was 
 getting a bit of elevation now as i look North up towards Chatsworth 
 a few weeks ago this view up towards the folly had a grey and misty aspect with only 50 metres visibility
 we can see these larch from our cottage and they have looked like they have been expiring all year although this close up i can see some green bits still there 
 the last bit up to the folly is very steep but thankfully not very long 
 the stone circle looks to be enjoying the sunshine 
 as i walk in the woods close by the circle i notice lots and lots of mushroom and this Tawney Grisette is just one of many around in the grass under the trees 
 on the way back down and another Northerly view up towards the Chatsworth Estate 
 i had noticed quite a large number of House Martins lower down in the valley on my way up and they look to have moved South along the valley and can be seen in the sky if you click to enlarge this photo.  I had thought all the summer Swallows and Martins had been long gone, maybe these are the stragglers 
 along with the House Martins there were a couple of Buzzards soaring as well 
the rough hole filling on this private road can be seen in this shot and this lorry is backing up to the machine laying fresh tarmac down what was a very rough stretch 
back down at River level and the Wye water level looks to be really quite low as i cross the bridge 
I'm off to a "bit of a do" today so no blog tomorrow 
 a mild Temp this morning
the weathercam has a little cloud but the forecasters are confident it will be a sunny day
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders