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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Calais Mayor please come and live here! & wild weather for us!

Grim reading in the Express of a couple shot in their villa in Alicante.  Sky news carries a story of 4 stabbed to death in Gilbralter - - -

Please come an live over here Madame Bouchard!!! the Mayor of Calais Links the lack of ID cards in the UK making it more appealing for to migrants seeking work.  When are "we" going to wake up to the benefits of ID cars rather than letting the "stupid" brigade tell us they are a bad thing! - - - 

This E cigs  story from the BBC got me thinking to a sight i saw the other day.  Leaving the front door to go for a walk the other day as got to the pavement a "child" went by puffing on an e cig!  Mmmmmm i thought at least we looked like we shouldn't be doing it when we used to smoke on the way to school lol - - - Scary stats in the story for any responsible parent - - -

I'm amazed that the News media is not full of "gale damage" stories after the howling winds of last night around our little house.  I must have been awakened by the noise a number of times and the rain was hammering on our car port roof!
mild Temp this morning but the current wind and rain stat figures tell their stories of last nights wild weather 
yesterday during the daylight hours the weather it has to be said was a little benign but it soon went wild after dark.  The weathercam shows a clear view up to the top of the valley but its still blowing and raining 
Enjoy the day
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