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Thursday 12 March 2015

walking is good for you & Boris gets underbody treatment

Another slack news day for the Express? with a  headline which tells us something most folks already know.  The text however shows that this American "Experts" opinion is based on a group of 80 year olds! - - -

I see Clarkson is still on the front page after his alleged "fracas" .  He joked with reporters that he was "off to the job centre" - - -

Now here's one I like, OK I have never claimed benefits mainly because I have worked every day I could since I was 15 years old so am ignorant of peoples circumstances who do.  But the benefits handouts look to be getting a bashing from Mr Osborne in next weeks budget.
The text behind the story  is one of cuts here and restrictions there, and once again my ignorance in these matters makes me say "whaaat! reading this one  "Under 25's to lose their right  to housing benefit and jobless payouts if they refuse offers of work, training or education! !!!!! - - -

Its my first day off from my set of shifts at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) and i will be crawling around under Boris to give him one of his bi-annual under body sprays, trying to keep the effects of all the salt spread on the winter roads at bay.

 the Temp in the stats is moderated  by the breezy conditions and its pretty cold in the damp conditions just now 
The weathercam pic shows it to be cloudy and with a little mist still hanging on in the valley.  The rain is predicted to hold off until after dark but tomorrow looks like it might be a bit of a wash out! 

Enjoy the day
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