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Friday 27 March 2015

Debate! what Debate? & Blossom's down

The Express like may other rags carry's the horrific story of the lunatic who crashed the Germanwings plane.  There are plans afoot to have a 2 in the cockpit at all times rule because it appears he locked the door and disabled the coded entry system from outside which had been introduced after the 9/11 tragedy - -

 The internment of Richard III's remains went well on TV with huge crowds and lots of coverage.  One of the intigators of the search for Richards remains however "John Ashdown Hill" appears to have "made himself look a total clown" by shaking his head and rolling his eyes apparently because he didn't get a mention in the eulogy - - - Polly Toynbee in the Guardian tells the other side of the story!!!! - - -

Debate what debate, it dawned on me that the programme was not a debate when Mr Paxman laid out the itinerary.  I thought Mr Paxman was a shadow of his former political savaging of many a politician self and why he asked Cameron so many times "could you live on a Zero hours contract" without getting an answer showed just that.  The reason Mr Paxman that people take up zero hours contracts is because they have no other options.  I switched off just before the audience grilling of Cameron thinking what's the point of Mr Paxman talking  to the PM about what he hasn't done and then asking Milliband what he's going to do and "are you tough enough" .  The papers think Cameron "won" i just think Mr Paxman lost! - - - the plot  - - -

Charging on with the book yesterday i realised that my last few years in the Army when i was on the "Adminstration" side of things has more of a story than i thought! I'm still planning on finishing the text by the start of my next shift pattern though - - - !

Chatting with my opposite number yeaterday down at the Fun Factory he had not noticed the new "regime" notice above the Clocking in machine (i hate that thing) which will so disrupt his work flow.  On completion he was not a happy colleague - - - i advised him just to "go with the flow" - - -

We have a small fruiting XXXXXXXX in the greenhouse at the top of the garden which had already popped out a number of blossom so its sheltered position seemed to be working.  Alas though the heavy frost of yesterday looked to have killed off all but one.  Sally had been pollinating with a brush so it might have "set" but i don't think so.  I have shrouded the thing in some of that flimsy wrap stuff in an attempt to stave off any more damage to the still emerging blooms! - - -

 cold stats again, no frost though - - - 
the sky looks a little overcast but has a fair amount of "blue bits" the forecasters have indicated sunshine later - - - 
Enjoy the day
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