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Sunday 8 March 2015

statins problems again

Statins take a bashing on the front page of the Sunday Express
The details  behind the headline suggest that out of data taken form 15000 people 56 were later diagnosed with parkinsons disease - - - pretty standard odds i would have thought - - -

Red nose day  is to the fore down at the Fun Factory just now which culminates next Friday of course.  A very close second is Easter and we only have 3 weeks to get rid of the associated products that keep flooding in with every delivery! Colleagues from each department are being "allowed" to sell raffle tickets at the entrance to the store.  From the looks on some of their faces they don't seem to enjoy it, i believe there is some kind of inter department competition to see which one can sell the most! - - -

 Not bad stats today nice and dry outside just now
rather cloudy on the weathercam with the prospect of it looking similar all day. Some forecaster think it might rain later

Enjoy the day
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