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Monday 23 March 2015

the mossies are coming! & nice sunset pic

How grateful we all must be today with the express telling us that supermarket prices are falling  as usual the devil is in the detail and the "big boys" of the supermarket world are only dropping prices in an effort to stave off the likes of Aldi and Lidl - - - I have notices lately that the price of fuel is creeping back up again at the supermarkets, maybe they think no-one is looking! - - -

Here's a weather story with a twist, because our climate is warming up disease carrying female mossie's are set to arrive in Britain over the next few decades - - - British scientists though are "on the case" and are producing a Genetically Modified male mossie which will only produce male offspring!! - - -

 close by gardens are full of daffodils but on our exposed hilllside location our blooms are only just starting to appear
I had forgotten that the Spring Equinox was the same day as the Eclipse so its time for some good sunset shots as the sun sets on the other side of the valley directly opposed to our garden
 cool stats once again with just a hint of a breeze 
nice looking sky this morning, theres a hint of some rain but also sunny intervals this p.m.
Enjoy the day
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