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Wednesday 11 March 2015

Clarkson gets a kicking & its "not tonight dear I have a headache" for Billy

Another erroneous assumption is mad by the Express as the text only hints that "experts"  are on the way to producing a "wonder drug" - - -

Looks as if Clarkson is in for a kicking after punching a producer but theres already a petition signed by 100,000 Clarkson "clones" in favour of "letting him off" - - - once again - - -

Now diesel fumes are "bad for you" congestion charges look set to increase if you drive a diesel car into the capitol.  So after being given "tax incentives" for having a diesel car drivers are now going to be screwed for having had the privilage.- - - Tax incentives? do these people know how much more diesel is than Petrol? - - - 

I popped into the Fun Factory yesterday and eagerly approached a colleague, "lets call him Billy" who had been enthusing to me in my afternoon break the day before about taking his girlfriend to a Siamese Restaurant that night.   "How did it go?" i asked, "it didnt" he replied.  "20 minutes after you left i had to go home with a migraine"  What a blow after all his careful planning to make it a surprise dinner - - - All a case of "Not tonight dear i have a headache!" - - -

 cool frosty stats this morning
As Mr Robin tucks into an early breakfast  
and the moon is fading fast as the cloud builds up.  There's a 90% chance of heavy rain this afternoon according to the weathermen 

Enjoy the day
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