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Thursday 26 March 2015

Yemeni situation looks interesting & Get Ready to Rumble at the Fun Factory

the Express headline covers the French alps aircraft tragedy with what can only be described as wild speculation about the cause if the disaster! - - - one of the system black boxes has been found but has been almost destroyed, the flight recorder has yet to be found - - -

Clarkson gets sacked so he shares the front page - - -

The Yemeni situation looks to be seriously going down the pan with Saudi Arabian intervention in the situation.  America has pledged its support - - - this will be worth following! - - -

The weather this morning is pretty nasty with heavy rain earlier turning to sleet then snow the forecasters are saying it will clear during the day but give us a cold frosty night!

The powers that be have come up with a brain wave at the Fun Factory.  Yesterday I spy a large printed message above the clocking in machine (i hate that thing) which says "all shop floor colleagues MUST attend the rumble at 15:00.  This is where the empty cardboard and plastic containers are removed form the shelves and the product line up at the front of the shelves.

Normally because my isle is only worked by me i was allowed to ignore the "call" and get on with my job.  Yesterday i was informed by my boss "lets call her Jenny", that i now must attend the rumble like "everyone" else.  It will only take 20 minutes" i am told.  At the appointed time the call comes over the tannoy and i duly go off and do the rumble but notice that "everyone" in the instruction seems not to apply to "everyone" .

 I note this observation to a couple of "managers" one shrugs her shoulders the other defends why the "observed" dont need to attend - - - 45 minutes later! i abscond from the rumble because its my break time.  After the break i just manage to top up the bread shelves and then clocking out (i hate that thing) glide majestically (lol) past the 4 unworked cake rollers!  - - -

On an amusing note however i am removing items form the shelves to reduce in price and come across a number items with the previous days date on. Even more alarming,  in the "Free From" section i come across items i had reduced on a Monday which are still there (2 days out of date).  I remonstrate with the colleague responsible, "lets call him Billy" and apart from a grin he only offers "weren't me" as a reason for these oversights.  Making light of the situation with other colleagues one suggested that the "Weren't me" is closely allied to Not me, or not my job, excuses frequently heard, which should all now fall under the term, "doing a Billy" !!  - - -

Richard the thirds funeral, Cameron and Milliband discussion tonight on the TV what more could a person want today!?  - - - its full steam ahead for me though on the final part of my book!!!!!!
cold wet stats this morning 
the snow is actually accumulating over 500 feet! 

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