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Saturday 28 March 2015

Italian justice - fail! & Dont forget to put the clocks forward tonight

The Express is nearly back to normal with its pursuit of the wonder drug/cure.  A story with the headline "new pill to beat arthritis agony: British scientists behind huge breakthrough"  was carried by the paper on July 29th 2013 - - - why then is there a need for another? - - -

Italian court acquits Knox and Sollecito What a farce!
Merdith Karcher (at left) murdered in 2007. This has been a roundabout of disaster for the Italian justice system seemingly unable to bring closure to the case! A third person is still serving a 16 year sentence for his part in the murder - - -

The bloke in the pic is Chinese and went to the extreme solution of trying to drown himself when he saw his arranged marriage bride for the first time on his wedding day.  he apparently claimed she was Too ugly and would be bad for his image   - - -

 These amusing objects have been branded "pure and simple racism" by a rep from the "Representative Council of Black Associations" (!?) They appeared in a French Riviera bakery and the baker insists they do not represent a Black man and woman merely human beings.  No doubt if the chocolate had been white everything would have been OK  - - - how ridiculous! - - -

Dont forget to put your clocks forward tonight! personally i change them all in the afternoon but seem to always miss at least one !  some clocks we dont even bother to adjust preferring to leave them on "real time"

Sally inspected the fallen blossom in the top greenhouse yesterday and pronounced the cause more likely to be lack of water.  She could be correct because it is on a hill and when she watered the thing the water immediately soaked into the ground rather than pooling! - - -

 stats are rather mild this morning 
Visibility is a little restricted on the top of the hills this morning and forecasters are indicating rain for much of the day 

Enjoy the day
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