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Tuesday 6 January 2015

Tragedy in the Austrian Alps & Nigel Loring remembered - - RIP

Tragedy strikes the U.S. Development Level Ski Team as 2 young hopefuls die in an avalanche at Soelden in Austria.  Even though the avalanche risk was "considerable" the off piste soft snow must have been too good to miss.  Two of a party of 6 prepared to go off piste and immediately started the avalanche, luckily the other 4 members of the group survived - - -

A reporter was filming the fire at a fireworks factory when it literally exploded and then gave a firework display to remember! - - - great short video - - - worth a look

The Express front page has a go at "Benefits Couple Too Fat To Work" - - - What about all the ones "Too idle to work?" 

The weather was a little gloomy yesterday but we decided to "potter" on our latest project.  We have a particularly soft parking area which is understandable when you realise the whole thing is sitting on clay just under the surface.  Discounting digging it out we decided to "cover it"
here Sally checks one of the roof supports with the spirit level.  The roof needs to be "square" in order for the plastic sheets to fit correctly and i seemed unable to remember if i had measured from the right hand side or left of various datum points, much to Sally's amusement - - - tsk tsk just cant multi task anymore lol! - - - with all the posts in place they look "out of line" compared to the small wall but this will be masked in phase II of the project - - -

We used "postcrete" instead of mixing concrete and as I filled the watering can to start the job, disaster struck! Turning off the tap the water continued to flow, oh no! not the saga of the dripping tap all over again blogged 15/10/2011  after switching off the water and dismantling the tap we realised it needed a replacement cassette "again" on the cold water side.  A temporary repair was affected by finding the "dripping cassette" removed in 2011 in my plumbing box, which just go's to support the idea of "never throw anything away!" - - - sorry girls "its a man thing" lol

Today is the 40th Anniversary of the death in action of a bloke called Nigel Loring.  He, along with 12 of his men were killed in the Oman Conflict in 1975 and today his old regiment the LI are having a memorial service for him in York Minster.
I was with him and his company 2 days before the action, even though he was only 25 he was a great officer
RIP Nigel - - - -

Enjoy the day
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