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Saturday 31 January 2015

Found: The Key to life! & a stroll and good book day

The Express has gone "over the top" with its headline this morning  the story is a long way from substantiating the headline! - - - There's a free drop of the holy grail with every Sunday Express tomorrow - - -

the current raft of bad weather continues ravage the UK although the snow of Thursday has been largely washed away locally
This link  has a precise breakdown of what forecasters think is coming today.  The local prediction for the next few days are of temps below freezing - - -

I set off pretty early yesterday for what I call my Round Robin walk and some of the pics proved to be good (click pics to enlarge)
As i set off i noticed the sky was a duck egg blue
looking South the sun was just appearing and the clouds were picking up the light
Peak Tor had a fair dusting of snow
almost at the highest point now and the sun is hitting the Nine Ladies ridge
a very snowy track inside the forest but a little snow is already falling from the trees
quite a bit of cloud around now as i look North West towards Bakewell
the gathering cloud obscures the sun and the temperature drops
i descend towards the River Derwent at Rowsley
The River Wye meets the River Derwent, there's quite a bit depth in the river with the melt from the sleet an snow of the previous day/night
a break in the clouds gives a shot of sunshine then it disappears
these sheep over the river are foraging for the last bit of fodder in the feeder.  The farmer has yet to visit them this morning
with a little breeze its feeling very cold now as thicker cloud builds up, i head indoors for a cup of tea - - -

I had a good go at the book again yesterday and made great progress.  I have completed the part of my career at Hereford and am now joining 50 Missile Royal Artillery in Menden Germany
here i am competing in a Regimental Orienteering competition in 1981

cold stats once again and the sleety snow is hammering down outside.  Another day for the book methinks - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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