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Sunday 11 January 2015

National unity in France & another blustery day ahead

The headline is old but the wounds for France are still very fresh, the Charlie Hebdo attack followed by the Kosher Supermarket attack have drawn people together today in a march of National Unity  - - - Support to beat terrorists comes from the unlikely hackers group Anonymous who are using their "talents" to shut down "Jihadi social  network accounts" - - -

It seems ages ago that Abu Hamza was deported from the UK to the US but he hits the headlines again as he gets a "life sentence" in the US court - - - unfortunately there seem to be a never ending stream of people following in his footsteps - - -

Here's a happier looking dog than on my previous blog about him.  Abandoned at Ayr railway station by the "owner" and then the person who was going to buy him he now has multiple offers of of a home . - - - here's hoping the Scottish SPCA manage to secure action against the 2 above! - - -

 The Sunday version of the Express carries a banner that the SAS have been rushed in to guard our streets the text behind the story does however provide a more plausible reason for why and how they might be used - - -

The weather, as ever provides us with further unsettled conditions
This Sky News story  lays bare the facts that we are in for more of the windy weather we have been having.  The freezing temperatures in the US are increasing the speed of the jet stream which is apparently the starting point for our bad weather - - -

The Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) continues to provide a plethora of bumblings and amusing incidents.  The new hours i work are turning out to be "not bad" but the promised organisation of how things should happen are in tatters and look like continuing to be that way for the foreseeable future.

I am "off" for the next 2 days and thought i had better check the roster "just in case".  Sure enough i was down to work! wandering into HR where the holiday sheets are kept and actioned, "or not in this case".  After investigation it turns out that "yes" my signed off sheet is in the paper file as having been put in the system.  But "No" the system had not been updated, a plausible reason given was that the system might have been amended by the "signee" but the appropriate "save" button had not been pressed.
I handed this information to my team leader, "lets call him Dave" and promptly amended the roster to indicate that i would not be "in" - - -
Its the time of year that our "managers" get moved around and we have actually been informed this year of the moves.  It contains no surprises but the jungle drums are heavy with the rumour that the company might embark on another "belt tightening" exercise in the near future! - - -

the stats right now are pretty good although the weathermen are still predicting snow today.  This is a similar story to yesterday and we didn't get any. - - -
 the sky was very clear earlier but is clouding up a little now.  The moon is still visible at the moment though
Enjoy the day
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