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Saturday 17 January 2015

Hot and Cold & Snow on the Lake District trip!

Hot:  says this story about 2014,  US scientists tell us that 2014 was the hottest year on records and bang the "Global Warming" drum with gusto - - -

Cold:  say the forecasters for the UK with snow forecast for many areas with temps of -8 for Scotland and -4 for the South of England today - - -

Thursday's Lake District foray proved interesting and exiting at times! - - - 
We arrived in Ambleside about 12:00 and it was quite cold with a stiff breeze
We visited the Jack Wolfskin shop for a pair of boots and came out with a rucksack? - - -
outside our lunchstop was this Porsche with "my" personalised number plate! - - -
deciding to walk a short way up the Helvellyn track we drove North out of Ambleside.  As we approached the car park we noticed the wind had increased over lunch to storm force and stopped by the Thirlmere reservoir where the wind not only rocked the van it was whipping spray up off the top of the waves on the lake
Sally takes a pic of Helvellyn but going up there was out of the question.  The pic does not show in any way how windy it was. When we were by the lake we estimated it at 50 mph, and you could hardly stand up.
from the window of the hotel later the wind was still strong and had flooded the front garden
the following morning the storm had abated but although the receptionist assured us "it wont snow, its too warm" we were in for a surprise!
As we pulled out of the hotel car park it began to snow and driving North out of Ambleside intending to go for a walk we quickly abandoned that idea and stopped off to look at the "stepping Stones"
the river was high but we could just see the stones under the surface
A Robin joined us but we had no food and the snowfall was getting heavy so we beat a retreat
Sally shows off her cattle grid crossing skills
As we drive through Windermere the snow shows no sign of abating
We take it easy towards the M6 and the return journey is either in snow or rain until we reach Manchester when we briefly see the sun. All in all a great trip and some interesting weather - - - i see today the Lake District is forecast to get 15 cm of Snow! - - -
The stats show +1.5c but earlier it was quite frosty
The cloud is building now and it looks like it might be a breezy cold day with the possibility of wintery showers

Enjoy the day
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