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Tuesday 27 January 2015

Funny report & striding the hills

The Express ratchets up the anticipation of a period of cold weather while the text behind the headline reproduces the Met O warning of "severe cold and icy conditions" until Sunday - - - Predictions, for what they are worth seem to indicate that Scotland and the North of England will see the worst of the weather - - -

New York is already under a blanket of snow as Sky News reports what is being called a historic Blizzard is set to "slam" the North East of the US - - - we usually get the "leftovers" a couple of days later so could be in for some snow as well - - -

In Finland its a manageable -10c, mild by their standards

while in the Maldives its a "normal" +29c, the weather there must get a bit tedious because apart from the odd gale and rainstorm its the same every single day - - -

I was striding the hills once again yesterday
the sky away to the North was fairly clear

although the view south was little ominous with its cloud.  Neither pic reflect how cold the biting wind was even in the 7c air temp.
this hillside was stripped of its 40 year old pines long ago and replaced with deciduous saplings, its taken 4 years fro them to poke out of their protective tubes but they look to be doing well now
still a little snow around in the quarry out of the sun
this group of trees look to be enjoying the sunshine
a quick turn around the nine ladies and back off down the hill
right by the side of the track through the quarry i noticed this fresh pile of stones with its stick and adornments - - -
now that's what you call a stone.  The driver had stopped to tighten down the load after coming down the hill from the quarry.

in the garden one of the resident squirrels must know the bad weather is approaching as he attempts to empty the sunflower seed feeder, he was at it so long i went and chased him away after 20 minutes - - -

Curiosity got the better of me yesterday and while i was picking up a couple of things from the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) i printed off the new (Funny Report) list to complete days reductions as mentioned previously.
The report has been re-engineered and there are choices to print "all", or just the "A" priority items, which is the instruction we have been given.
I printed off both and the bottom line is that we shall have to eye-ball the whole isle because the logic of the report displays the "forecasted" figure to reduce rather than the "actual".  I noticed a number of items where the "stock on hand figure" was say 20 and the figure to reduce was 60!  - - -

With the weather looking decidedly grey yesterday i gave up on further work for the new woodshed etc and did a few hours on my book  - - - today's weather looks to be much of the same so its back to the book after a stroll over the hills
cool stats once again and a little breezy
full cloud cover now but no rain in sight - - - yet

Enjoy the day
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