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Saturday 3 January 2015

January sale to climb Everest & soggy day ahead

Nepal cuts Mount Everest Climbing Rates  $7000 down from $20,000 to climb the South Col route sounds like a bargain, i wonder how many will be tempted by it? - - - The reduction comes after the many deaths on the mountain and in the area in the last couple of years, lets hope the "bargain" does not add to the toll - - -

 Still early in 2015 so we are treated to a  whats on in 2015  in this article.  the crack at the World Land Speed Record of 763 mph wont happen until the end of the year. The article details a number of other scientific challenges in the year ahead.  - - -

10,000 people apply to be a Paintball bullet tester or so the Sky News story will have us believe.  I think it might be the £40k a year (pro rata) thats tempting so many.  The ad was billed as looking for "people bored with their current part time job and are "looking for a new challenge with .... awesome colleagues?" - - - boredom is not a state i personally subscribe to so maybe i don't understand their motivation or lack of it,  but any job advert containing the word "awesome" would definitely go on the back burner - - -  

Here's another gem from the Motivational source i was subjected to when i did a real job.

Making Up Your Own Mind

Ever a figure of interest and respect in the history of U.S. presidents, Abraham Lincoln seems to have been a keen observer of human behavior and a pragmatic viewer of the skills of others as he went about the business of keeping a nation together, before, during and after - however briefly - a wrenching civil war.

Lincoln also had a fine grasp of that most uncommon of senses - common sense. He once said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." One hundred or more years later, cognitive researchers have scientifically proven that Lincoln was correct.

Now the word "cognitive" simply means having to do with thought or perception, and cognitive psychologists operate on the principle that it is your thoughts, not external events, that create your moods and the way you view your days, your work, your relationships - your life.
In other words, it's not so much what happens to you, but rather how you respond to what happens to you that determines how you feel.  

The good news is that you can learn to respond in ways that create success and happiness instead of failure and depression. You can learn to spot your negative thoughts and stop them in their tracks, and you can learn to substitute more useful thoughts in their place. 

You see, you have already learned how to create your current moods and attitudes, so you can unlearn them as well. Millions of people around the world have done the same, and there is no special college degree required. The information is out there, but you must take accountability for seeking it out and using it - and for making the changes you need to make in order to grow.  

One more thing: there is no better time to start than right now.  Try it - - -

Yesterday was quite cold here but it didn't rain but this morning the rain is with us and looks to be hanging around for at least part of the day.
The current stats show very little wind although it was quite a bit stronger when i popped out earlier.

Enjoy the day
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