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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Parallel parking a bit of an art nowadays & Get ready for the drought!

Once again a nugget from the Daily Express warns us "Britain heading for new drought" followed by "Get ready for the driest May on record" I cant see many people complaining about a dry hot May after the cold winter and late spring but it looks as if the hose pipe bans might not be too far away

I stumbled across this story about volunteer tourism and how its really not all that helpful to the people at the receiving end.  There's a particular phrase of "GapYah" that implies its only for upper class kids and some of the comments below the story reflect this - - - worth a read though.

An expedition to cross part of the ice sheet in Greenland has had a tragic ending with one person dieing and the other 2 having to be rescued by helicopter.  They were doing well to have travelled as far as they did in the first 2days of their trip but were caught out by a tremendous snow storm and their tent was blown away one night.  Unfortunately the rescue chopper could not reach them until the following day when it was all too late for one member. 

With all our "out of town" shopping centres and thier large car parks nowadays it would appear that parallel parking is an art that has almost been forgotten.  The story leads with a video of a "woman", sorry ladies, taking 30 minutes to get her car into a space between to other cars.  For those in need there's a handy little diagram of how its done. So get out there and practise

The lack of activity around our bird feeders lead us to put up an old feeder in a less exposed position the other day.  We reckoned it might be that there are fewer birds about due to the cold winter.  So far it looks as if we might be right.  We have only seen one or 2 blue tits having a go at the feeder high up in the apple tree.  Lets hope for a good nesting season then!

I did manage to get back into my book writing yesterday and now must keep up the momentum. Heres a pic to prove it.
 We sat out in the sunshine for a while yesterday between the banks of cloud and heres a pic of Tom enjoying a nap alongside one of Sally's tubs of seedlings.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see our weather website
Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam

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