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Sunday 26 May 2013

You wont get me up in one of those! & Wall to wall sunshine

An interesting tale is told in this story about how councils who cut roadside verges more than twice a year are destroying some wildlife habitats. Another "nugget" is that councils who cut the verge but don't remove the cuttings which then rot down to make the soil to rich for wild flowers to grow.  I think around here there are so many miles of verges that maybe we are in the bunch that only cut in spring and autumn.

I read this story about a bloke who flies the shortest schedule flights up in Scotland of 1.7 miles between 2 islands up there.  The plane used is a Britten-Norman Islander and as soon as I saw the picture I thought "You wont get me up in one of those"  I was one of three passengers in one flying along the southern coast of the Oman in the 1970,s. 
As made an approach to land on a sandy airstrip it was caught in a freak side wind and turned almost upside down.  We observed people on the ground running out of the way and were convinced it was going to crash.  The pilot somehow managed to right the thing and suggested another try at landing - - - We dissuaded him and went back to RAF Salalah and made the trip in a chopper later in the day !  Never been near a Britten-Norman Islander since! 

After the very cold day on Friday, yesterday was wall to wall sunshine and today looks to be the same so far. 
Here's a pic of a buttercup meadow just across the road alongside the River Derwent taken yesterday morning
And Tom snoozes in the sunshine waiting for a tit bit from the BBQ in the garden in the afternoon
The gardens looking good in the sunshine as Sally takes food up to the top terrace for the BBQ

Enjoy the day
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