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Thursday 9 May 2013

Boris's incontinence cured! & some Everest pics from 1953

The ~Daily Express has discovered yet another "miracle cure" this time the headline reads "Miracle cure for back pain" - - - "Agony ended by daily antibiotics".  You don't have to be a "medical man" to realise the problems of taking antibiotics over a long period of time.  This concern is expressed in the same article carried by the BBC news.  Today's, Express  headline takes some believing though because its "from the government!".  "Better deal for decent Britons"  with a byline "Queen (from the Queens speech) announces immigration crackdown, boost for business and help for pensioners".  A fairy story if i ever heard one"

Boris, Sally's beloved Defender had a trip to the Garage today to fix a problem highlighted by a request from me to investigate a growing "stain" on the carport floor.  To be honest we had noticed a small amount of fluid coming from the "underneath" for ages and i had always thought it was from the sump gasket to the engine. 
The lack of any noticeable drop in the engine oil level made me think it was probably something else. The guys over the garage gave a "sharp intake of breath" explaining it was my Fuel pressure regulator that was leaking.  The sharp intake of breath also came from me on paying the bill for the new one!

I thought someone had died when a colleague at work, "lets call him Dave" rushed into the canteen and switched on the TV to "see the news" yesterday.  It finally turned out that Alex Ferguson had announced his retirement from Manchester United!  Good job its "only a game!"

The Daily Mail headline is worthy of note this morning "£90 fine if you're texting at the wheel" Its a pity there arn't enough police to enforce it.

There's an interesting twist to the Saville story and its witch hunt of ageing Celebs in the sky news story which reports the "protestations" of a leading lady barrister by the name of Barbara Hewson.  "Low level misdemeanours" mention of "Moral crusaders" producing "scapegoats on demand" for this "grotesque spectacle"  She is however "crusading" to have the age of consent lowered to 13!  No doubt if she was representing "these people" she would be trumpeting that this would just put "vulnerable children into the hands of these vile criminals at a younger age"  What a wonderful legal system we have!

Another story worthy of a read is by the BBC on the way the Police in Dhaka crushed a protest of Bagladeshi Islamist protesters.  Its reported that "tens of thousands of Islamists" had gathered to call for stronger Islamic policies".  It appears whoever is in charge in Bangladesh had other ideas and the police were "very aggressive" in clearing the demonstration.  Although it is reported that "stun grenades and rubber bullets" were used 27 people were killed!  Religion's a "funny old game" isn't it! Mind you one of the "chants" of the crowds was "Hang Atheists!" so i guess at least they're not leaving any stone unturned - - - lovely!

After the story about the fight the other day way up on the slopes of Everest i happened across this feature from the BBC about the first ascent in 1953 .  Just sit back and watch the video with its stunning pictures and marvel at the crude equipment they used in those days!

Finally - - - little Sainsbury caught his first bat of the year last night , it will be noted that last year he discovered the bats emerging from a neighbours garage roof and he seems to be perfecting his technique at grabbing them either as they emerge or return to their accommodation. 
Here's last nights victim which was deposited by Sally's easy chair this morning

This pic is from last years collection.  Here he's discovered where the bats emerge and is figuring out how to catch one!

Enjoy the day
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