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Saturday 25 May 2013

200 Fungi on your feet & a cold day logging sees the wood store full

I never realised that as this story proclaims we have over 200 fungi living on our feet!  Mind you from the stink of some shoppers at work i think they might be a "willing host!"  There are 40 different types just living between your toes and 60 in your toe nail clippings! 

I finally finished bringing down firewood for our next winter period from the logging area yesterday.  The weather at first looked just to be windy and cool.  An hour later it turned into freezing rain and a bitterly cold North wind howling across the hills
Here's a pic of the 2 stacks I made in 2010 while cutting the trees down
And another from yesterday taken from the far side of left hand stack with Boris fully loaded and ready for the trip home.
The 2 bare patches show where the stacks were, the weather just looks a little dull but it was very cold.  When i got home Sally had fired up the log burner!

I had been working on my book the day before and was just coming to the end of a 3 hour stint and a dialogue box appeared on the screen(I must have hit a key or two!) . I didn't read it just pressed "return" and promptly lost all that periods work!.  Try as I might looking for temp files etc, I couldn't recover it so my rule now is to hit "save" at the foot of every page.
Here's a pic of me catching up yesterday and Tom is lending a hand!
He's snoozing even though I'm typing away.
Our other cat "Sainsbury" shot through the cat flap last night with the familiar site of a puffed up tail meaning he was being chased by another cat. It was an hour or so later that i noticed he has a nasty little wound near his right eye.  He hasn't been outside since!  definitely not a fighter like Tom. 

Finally - - - Today has dawned with a crystal clear sky and the sun is warming things up nicely. The BBQ is looking like it might be dusted off this afternoon

Enjoy the day
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