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Saturday 4 May 2013

Wine carrier? & the loonies are in!

Ok its the tourist season as is obvious from the stream of "Can you tell me's" that we get in the shop! Its quite nice to help them along as they are mostly apologetic for not knowing where things are.  Its what keeps us going i suppose.  Then there's always the one that's going to get up your nose!!!!!

Wine carrier? says this man who has a rather Superior attitude.  You know the type they approach you and "get in your face" and then utter a phrase that lets you know they are "demanding".  "I beg your pardon?" I say fully understanding what he's after but trying to get the upper hand!

"I want a wine carrier" he says again, Considering,  I'm stood a good 25 metres from the wine and beer dept I say, "I don't think we have any but lets take  look" and wander along to the booze dept.  It takes only a couple of seconds to see we don't have any (we rarely have) and i point out we have a stack of empty wine boxes "here", that will be adequate for the job.  "I want a wine carrier" he insists!  Hackles raised i suggest he can go to the check out and buy a "fit for the purpose" sainsbury's wine bag with 6 compartments".

He looks at me with a, "what is this i have stood in" look and then announces "I'll leave it then!" and  flounces out of the shop.  I count to 10 and go back to the tourists!

The recent good weather really let me get into the logging work again and here a few pics from the latest bit of work
Here I am finishing off a pile of wood that has been drying off for a couple of years.  splitting the last bits are always hard! Boris is in the background ready to take the bits back home!
Lisa visits the site with "Napkin" her pet lamb! 

Finally - - - I like one of the newspaper headlines about the recent UKIP parties successes in the local elections.  "Fruit cakes, Loonies and Clowns send shock waves through the Tories" Its about time they realised that the electorate are sick and tired of the usual bullshit and will unfortunately vote for a "new kind if bullshit!  - - - - -

Enjoy the day
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