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Saturday 18 May 2013

Please choose from the following options!

Trying to call almost any company nowadays generally means waiting for ages while being told your call "is important to us" or being directed to their website rather than them answering the phone.  You then get the automated voice giving you "options".  There can be multiple levels which are just designed to frustrate you.  A story from the BBC today promotes a retired IT manager who has website with a database of shortcuts to allow you to navigate through the menu levels quickly - - -great idea!

I remember in past blog entries when the US where having their presidential campaigns mentioning a candidate with the unlikely name of Mitt Romney.  He had, it was reported some odd ideas on how the world should be run and here's one hes connected with.  The Quiverfull a bunch of evangelical Christians who shun the idea of contraception in order to "Get married. Have a quiver full of kids if you can" says good old Mitt.  Mmmmmmm - - -

Watching the Giro d Italia yesterday on its longest stage, of over 150 miles Mark Cavendish made a brilliant solo sprint at the end to win the stage.  Once he's finished he stopped his bike and had to sit on the ground exhausted, what a fighter!  Unfortunately though Bradley Wiggins had to retire form the race on the orders of the team doctor due to a chest infection.  The idea is to hope that he recovers to defend his Tour de France crown next month.
Meanwhile in the Giro the dolomite mountains are waiting this week for the riders and there's Snow forecast! 

Most of the front pages cover "new evidence" in the hunt for Maddie McCann but the Portuguese don't look set to open an new investigation.  I guess the discovery of those 3 women in a house in the US makes you think there's a chance she could still be alive?

Back to work tomorrow after my surprise 3 days off with only 3 shifts to do to complete the shift pattern! I popped down to the shop yesterday but was turned away at the door due to a massive water leak in the warehouse spilling over onto the shop floor causing the store to be closed.  We had a similar problem a couple of years ago when a pipe burst but this time it appears it was just a joint that started to leak and b
eventually it was sopped by re-tightening it!

Enjoy the day
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