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Thursday 23 May 2013

Dont go near the Donkey's & strange goings on at work

The online news and papers today are full of the graphic images and video footage of the aftermath of the murder in woolwich of what appears to be a soldier.  The full details are still emerging of why the attack happened so lets just leave it there for now.

I picked up on a story that will undoubtedly cost us millions and not end with a satisfactory  conclusion for the authorities.  The Hyde Park Bombing took place in 1982 and was an IRA attack on a The Household Cavalry procession. Casualties included horses as well as people.   What is surprising about the story is that an arrest was made at Gatwick last Sunday of a John Anthony Downey in connection with the bombing.
Due to the "good Friday Agreement" (explained in the story) it all looks like the action will be in vain.  There's a tragic twist at the end of the piece though.

Dont go near the Donkey's should have been the advice to people after 2 of them killed a pensioner in Hungary who was dragged from a mobility scooter and killed on a friends farmland. The attack however looks as if it could have been avoided because the farmers daughter had told him the animals were becoming more aggressive!

The Eurovision Song Contest looks not be over yet, in this story where Russia is angry over an alleged "vote theft" The Russian Foreign Minister is involved in the sorry tale promising that, "The incident would not go unanswered"  too stupid for words really!

A car driver who knocked a cyclist off his bike then stupidly went on to Twitter to tell the world about it - - pillock!  The tweet included references to "Bloody cyclists" and them not "paying road tax".  At the end of the piece there's a bit about there's no such thing as road tax its really Vehicle Excise duty!  So next time I'm stuck in a queue of traffic on the A6 behind a bunch of pedal pushers I'll understand they have as much right to be there as I do! - - - - even though they dont pay "Vehicle Exise Duty!"

Work has been "entertaining" the last few days.  Sunday I was asked by a colleague, "Lets call him Mat" if ! could put a load of cream cakes languishing in the warehouse chiller out on the shelves, not something I am generally tasked to do.  In the interest of one of our "core values" e.g. "Trusting each other and working together" I obliged. 
This meant that a couple of my tasks had to go by the board. When it came time for me to leave I asked him if he would work the bread as the shelves needed a bit of a replen.  In the interests of "Trusting each other and working together he said "No".   In an amazing piece of, "Well who gives a toss anyway" I calmly accepted his answer, understanding that maybe he was busy doing his job so i smiled and left. 

Yesterday i had a bloke come up to me and ask politely for Lobster Bisque, or as he said later Lobster Beast!  Forgetting completely that it was a soup. I asked him what it was and then we might be able to find it.  He didn't know?  We wandered around the tinned fish section with him feeding me information that it might be in a packet or a tin.  Further questioning from me established that he was a "restauranter!" and the chef had sent him out to buy this. 

Still no nearer the solution i asked a colleague manager type, "Lets call him Craig" about it? No idea.  I then  apologised to the bloke and went back to what i was doing.  I spotted him advancing on me 10 minutes later waving the "Tin of Lobster Beast!".  He'd had to phone the "chef"! I should have asked him the name of the "Restaurant" so i could put it "up in lights". 

A lady was being served by the boss, "lets call her TracEy" at the creamy cake counter and mentioned how cold it was in the store, which in truth it wasn't.  She however engaged me in conversation about how she thought it was and to prove it touched my arm with her "very cold fingers". 
Wearing gloves as i do at work i jokingly clasped one of her hands between mine to warm it up.  I then spotted the HR boss, "lets call her Hazel" advancing towards me with a quizzical look on her face at my antics.  So still clasping the womans hand I explained that i was taking "Customer service to a new level!"

Finally - - - After some consideration I have asked to be taken off the list for the change of job i have related in other blogs.  I might regret it later but at the moment Im thinking that its a case of, embracing the devil you know in a slightly, "different manner" shall I say rather than go wrestling with the devil's I dont!

Enjoy the day
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