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Friday 17 May 2013

A new credit card con & we do Tea at the Cavendish!

Once again the Daily Express is concerned with our health this morning as their headline urges us to heed the "Blood pressure risk from salt" "new warning to 16m Britons: Cut your intake"  There must be something in it i suppose because salt is normally one of the "ingredients" displayed on food packaging. 

I enjoyed the picture in the Telegraph of the UKIP "Leader"  Nigel Farage, looking less than comfortable after a "Scottish welcome" in Edinburgh.  I wonder that the "demonstrators" in the shot all look of "university" age and are clearly indicating they don't like him and he should "go back to England"  Maybe they will be the ones running that country when its cut free of the English shackle!

Theres a credit card Con described in the BBC story which leaves the "conned" feeling stupid but in some instances the con might be believable.  A very elaborate plan which ends with a face to face meeting with the "con - er" knocking on your door and you giving him all your debit and credit cards.  This is after already having "typed" the pins into the telephone keypad earlier!   worth a read - - -

After my "Faux pas" of turning up for work yesterday when i had booked 3 days off I enjoyed my first "free day!"  My vising friend and his wife were discovering the delights of Chatsworth House and its gardens and park.  A long time favourite of ours and we hoped it didn't disappoint them after we encouraged them to see it.

An added advantage for them was that being the 70th Anniversary of the Dam Busters raid in the Ruhr the planes would be flying past and our friends would be hopefully in the garden by then and see the spectacle.  "they were not disappointed!".

I walked in to the park and sat across the river from the house and got pics and vids of the display.  Here's a pic of the Lancaster flying over the house, Click the pic to enlarge it and get a better view.

We were invited to have Tea with them later at their hotel which was the rather swish Cavendish Hotel.  After wading through a mountain of sandwiches cakes and scones we left them to "walk it off" before their dinner. 

Here we are posing at the front door with Sally clutching the doggy bag with surplus cakes etc!

Strange that the weather forecast for their 3 day trip was to say the least "rainy and dull".  Once again the "met men" were wrong and yesterday was sunny with white fluffy clouds for most of the day.  Doom gloom and more rain is forecast for today and tomorrow i wonder what it will really bring!

Enjoy the day
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