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Thursday 16 May 2013

Note to self: Put days off in diary!

"What are you doing here?" enquired Dash around Dave, my team leader in the general office at work a couple of minutes after I had clocked in.  After a brief discussion I phone Sally to look at my holiday chart and sure enough I should be on "Days off!" 

Much laughter later from colleagues I slunk out of the shop laughing it off as "its an age thing"  So here I am with 3 days off in front of me that i didn't know I had.  The odd thing about it a mate from Hereford and his wife are up visiting the area,  and some time ago i checked, what now turns out to be last years chart! and proclaimed, "Pity I'll be at work"

They arrived yesterday and we ferried them around in Boris taking them to The Barrel Inn at Bretton and then a brief stroll around the The plague village at Eyam before visiting Bakewell then bringing them back to the cottage for a look round and a cuppa. 
Here they (and Sally) are wandering round a chilly church yard in Eyam village

We encountered a group of walkers when we were driving out of the Bakewell showground car park and incredibly recognised one of them as a former member of the regiment from our Hereford days!

Today the Daily Express is remembering the Dambusters 70th Anniversary on its front page, with my "New found days off" i might wander over to Chatsworth this afternoon to get some fly past pics!  The headline of the day though screams "Soaring energy bills scandal!"  "shocking 10% rise in prices to hit millions!  OK so whats new?

I noted the other day that everyone now has to pay some form of Community Charge, i suppose its only fair but there will be lots who find it a struggle to pay even a small amount.  Pity there's no way of just making the scroungers pay who have been getting away with paying nothing. Its prison now if you don't pay it but ironically you don't have to pay if you are in prison!  - - -

Finally - - - There's another people caught in avalanche story where a bloke survives through "swimming it"  I guess it shows great presence of mind in such a perilous situation! 

Enjoy the day
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