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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Another Bank holiday survived! & Other things

Our weather is amazing at the moment, gone are those chilly days of very early spring after one of the longest periods of cold weather we have seen for a long time.
We are now graced by the warm sunny aspect that is making all the plants and trees sparkle into life, lets hope we don't get a localised frosty surprise like last year that killed off all the fruit blossom!
Heres the latest across the river view from yesterday
It wont be long before all the trees are in leaf and it will be time to make up the time lapse vid!  
I spent most of the recent Bank Holiday beavering away at my part time job in the local Sainsbugs and as usual it brought along its host of "challenges".  Our part of the Peak District is known for being a tourist area and the shop has been full of tourists.  This always brings more than enough of people who are not familiar with its layout and therefore we get lots of "Can you tell me's?"  Its nice though to be able to help them out and send them on their way.
On the other side of the coin there's always at least 1 that gets under your skin.  I was attending to a lady customer and could see out of the corner of my eye a bloke stood behind her.  As i turned away he whistled to get my attention!  I said "please don't whistle of me i'm not a dog" to which he replied, "I beg your pardon?" I repeated my part and got no reaction apart from, "Where's the salt" "I'm glaring at him by this time when i say "at your feet!" realising the whole "contact could have been avoided if the twerp had only opened his eyes!  - - - hey ho.
There's a cute video i plucked from buzzfeed  showing a Rottweiler and a deer apparently enjoying running up and down either side of a fence separating them, i wonder what would have happened if the fence wasn't there?
Justin Bieber has been annoying fans again by keeping them waiting in his tour of the "gulf" but he got a bit of a shock at another venue when a male fan came up behind and grabbed him while he was performing!  At a venue in Turkey he stopped his performance so the local Muslims could attend the "call to prayer" - - - I sense a conversion maybe?  
Purely for the spectacle i do like to watch the odd "God botherer" programme on the TV especially a bloke called "Pastor Chris".  I'm gripped by the hold he has over the audience and wonder how he does it.  Mind you i picked up a nugget about religion that sums it up for me, "Atheism and religion are 2 sides of the same coin, one uses its head while the other relies on tales" - - -
The Daily Express has had its usual headlines of speculation,  the other day there was "Wonder oil to end arthritis agony" where experts, we are told, proclaimed, "long lasting relief for sufferers".  While today we are blessed with "House prices to soar by 30%" isn't that just another play on the headline of a few days ago where they gave an average price increase for the same thing? 
Finally - - - Closer to home, it was a joy yesterday to sit in the garden amongst all the sunshine and new plants sipping an ice cold beer and reflecting on the desolate picture it looked only a couple of months ago.  Our neighbour John on the other hand seems to have given up on his grandiose plans for his "garden" as he and his "clutch" squatted in front of his parked van and ate dinner in a small patch of sunshine. - - -  While his weeds grow higher and higher and higher.   There's talk of him leaving us by July? Mmmmmmmmmmm - - -  
I must apologise to him, "most sincerley folks", though as its been reported to me that he resents his inclusion in my blog So, John - - - your'e gone.    
Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam


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