So Sally pops on the oven and retrieves the box from the freezer
Here it is then looking like it might have been bought from Tesco by the look of things. we check the "use by date and its "only just out of date!!!!!
Undeterred and after all we are made of sterner stuff we enjoy, and so does Tom the cat the "meaty" delicacies all the way from the "orient" to date i can report no ill effects! (thinks - it could have conceivably been bought in 2009!)
I see the Cheese rolling competition went off without any reported deaths so the old dear who makes the cheeses is off the police hook (reported in an earlier blog) I note in the story though that the organisers had swapped the original cheese for a lighter foam version. Got to have your Health and Safety you know!
I wondered at this story in Sky news and carried by others that the charity "Help for Hero's has returned money donated by the EDL. If like me you know nothing of the EDL I suggest you read the story. However the fact that the charity is refusing and returning the money i would suggest they are wrong! For whatever your political beliefs I don't see why the charity should in effect "check the credentials" of supporters. Some of my facebook "friends" of an ex military bent, would also have their contributions returned if their comments are anything to go by. I only hope a hero or 2 doesn't go short because of this sort of thing - - lets not forget what its meant to be for.
The BBC carry an interesting set of pics showing how many plane flights are covering the the planet scary! - - - worth a look.
Finally - - - I take full blame for the current rain around Darley Dale today. This is because noticing the pond level looked a little low yesterday we topped it up from the mains tap. Don't tell Severn Trent Water! Also after deciding which trees would be felled this year at our logging site I dropped a couple and planned to cut them up today - - - wrong! Its looking like a book day then
Enjoy the day
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Bad stock rotation that is, should know better Mike. ;)