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Friday 24 May 2013

The story unfolds & cheese is bad for you!

The news is full, and rightly so of the murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich yesterday.  The incredible bravery shown by the woman who had first gone to help the soldier but realising he was dead then faced up to the 2 suspects has to be admired.  The suspects say they did it in the name of Allah but "clerics" are lining up to deny this.
One "cleric" said in an interview that, "this had nothing to do with Islam".   That's a bit "head in the sand" if you ask me.  There are a number of outspoken radical islamist preachers and their followers who must be well known to the "ordinary Muslim organisation" who should roundly condemn them but do not.  Its called protecting your own little world i fear!  The Sun newspaper has a good description for one of the suspects, "A drug taking waster born and bred in England!"

Cockroaches are learning not to take the poisoned bait put down for them according to a  BBC Story The sugary coated bait is being shunned by cockroaches because over time the sugar tastes bitter rather than sweet.  I remember spraying the kitchen of a Sergeants Mess in Germany to kill cockroaches.  We used to do it in the dark so as not to alert them to our presence.  When we switched on the lights there were literally hundreds of them in their death throe's.  No matter how many times we sprayed we never eradicated them!

Cheese it appears is is bad for you nespecially if you make it? In the category, "most ridiculous story" of the day the prize has to go to  the report that the Police are warning an old dear who makes cheeses for the "Coopers hill cheese rolling competition that she maybe liable if anyone is hurt while rolling one of her cheeses.  You would think the police had more pressing matters to attend to!

Finally - - - The weather has been a little chilly for the last 2 days after the warm stuff we had that kick started spring not long ago.  We had almost written off our very old apple tree at the top of the garden because it looked so scruffy without its leaves  earlier in the year.  Plans to chop it down in Autumn had been discussed which have now been put on hold.  Here's a pic of it in all its splendour covered in blossom

The garden as a whole is looking good as well

And it won't be long before i will need to put the time lapse project pics to work

Enjoy the day
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