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Friday 10 May 2013

MP's snouts in the expenses trough again! & its the Grand Tours time again.

There's a story carried by a few newspapers about our MP's "cashing in!" on the sale of their "second homes".  Second homes are one of the cracking fiddles we let them get away with for running our country, did i say running?  stupid boy!  Just another in the long line of stories about expense abuse really but i imagine they'll donate some if not all the money to charity - - - now they've been found out!   A squadron of pigs have just flown down the valley!

Talking of flying there's a good if not very short video of a paratrooper being sucked out of the back of a Hercules plane when his reserve chute deployed in error.  He's seen crouching right by the end of the open tail door then his reserve drops near his feet then appears to deploy behind him and over the edge of the ramp.  It looks as if hes unaware of whats happening as it is seen clearly deploying in the slipstream and pop! out he go's 30 miles from the intended DZ.  The funny bit really is if you watch the only other bloke in the shot, he shuffles back in apparent fear of following his mate!

A small girl was "apprehended" by Kent police for "Criminal damage" in Ramsgate for drawing a hopscotch grid outside her home.  "misguided zeal" or "Stupidity" on the part of the police - - - you decide!

I took advantage yesterday of the days early good weather before an afternoon of fairly heavy rain to do a bit of work up at the logging site.  I'm almost finished sawing and then "mauling" the last of the 2010's efforts at tree clearing.
 Here's a 2010 pic of the 2 piles I'm working on the one on, the right is no more and I'm down to those large bits of trunk alongside the other pile.  All the trees in the background came down eventually.  The site was an old council waste tip once, i found some interesting old glass bottles on the site

I had a visit from our friend Lisa and her pet lamb "Napkin"
 He seems determined to have a go at eating Boris's back step in this shot while below he's found a nice crunchy bit of wood from the pile waiting to be loaded into Boris.

  He's becoming quite a character but just like anything young he's trying to eat anything and everything!

Here's a story guaranteed to get me on my "soap box" "talk of hosepipe bans!"  why on earth can "we", well "they", "the Water companies" not stop blaming the wrong type of rain at the wrong time of year for our lack of sufficient water.  The fat cats that run the water companies still get bonuses for not supplying us with water?  Sorry that doesn't quite "gel" with me.  However, feast your eyes on this story in the Telegraph where "they" might be asking us to drink treated sewage  in the future.  "No wonder we lost an Empire!"  lol  
Finally - - - The grand cycle tours are in the news again.  I know they do actually go on for most of the year and can be seen on Eurosport if you spot them.  Various tours have already taken place but it wont be long before, what i consider the most spectacular one, The Tour de France" is with us.  Armstrong has pulled down the dark veil of drug assisted wins but you cant fail to admire the sheer spectacle of the thing.
Its the turn of the turn of the Giro d'Italia right now and young "Cavendish has just taken stage 6".  He won the first stage also so looks all set for a good Tour de France in his new team.  It was nice of him to dedicate his 6th stage win to a Belgian rider who was killed on the equivalent stage 2 years ago.  Sir Bradley Wiggins survived a puncture and being held up by a huge crash ahead of his efforts to get back to the front of the peleton and is in 6th place in the General Classification! 14 stages to go!
Enjoy the day
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