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Sunday 19 May 2013

Tory Activists - "Mad swivel eyed loons" - sounds about right!

Saw this on sky news and lots of others covering it.  Some "senior conservative" is alleged to have upset a lot of "followers" by calling them "Mad swivel eyed loons"  It'll be interesting to see the outcome for the person in question!

I think I'll cancel any idea of visiting the Seychelles after reading this story from the BBC.  There's a prison there with  a load of Somali pirates !  lets hope they don't escape. 

I cant remember the last time i watched the Eurovision song contest but i always like to see the results to find out how dismally we have done.  I see Bonny Tyler managed to come 19th out of 20 beating handsomely Engleberts last place last year.  I don't know why we don't follow the Italians and just pack it in. 

The Jimmy Savile saga drags on with one of the Senior investigators who led and enquiry now being placed under investigation.  The whole sad tale looks to be dragging down anyone who has touched it and a few heads have still to roll I fear!

I liked the Matt cartoon on the front page of the Telegraph website this morning,  It shows a motorist in his car looking at a sign next to a petrol station pump.  Obviously a swipe at the price fixing allegations of Shell and BP.  "If you can find more expensive fuel locally, We'll charge you the difference" - - -

A story carried by the Telegraph about an Iranian warship shadowing a flotilla of ships on a mine hunting exercise in the gulf.  Nothing unusual I suppose but i cant believe that the Americans have a ship called The "Ponce" as reported in the text!

We have a miniature apple tree in the garden which has 2 types of apple growing on it.  The blosssom is prolific just now and we look forward to seeing the fruit! Here's a pic

Finally - - - So there we are a Sunday at the Salt Mine with the sun beating down outside shows that hopefully the weather has taken a turn for the better.  As half term is looming close at the end of the week i bet a lot of parents will be hoping it stays that way! 

Enjoy the day
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