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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Jesus is living in Australia & Everest anniversary 60 years on "Everest This way points the sign"

There's a bloke in Australia who says he's Jesus.  Not at all surprising really there have been a few people claiming this over the years.  What's really funny though he claims that his partner is Mary Magdalene, now there's a coincidence if I ever saw one!  Now these things nearly always end in tears and it looks like this one is headed right that way.  Hangers on always appear from nowhere and there then follows a familiar story which is mapped out in the article.
Whats sad is that some of the hangers on will be the victims in the end here's one, quote,  British woman Louise "Luli" Faver, 39, is a former neuroscientist who has given up her career to be closer to the couple.
"It's just nice to instead of being surrounded by people who think you are nuts to be surrounded by people who understand what you are going through and the difficulties of trying to deal with all the emotional stuff," she said. unquote!

Its 60 years ago today that Everest was climbed for the first time and there are a number of stories celebrating the fact.  This one from Sky news celebrates the historical facts.  While this one from the BBC has a video of a Russian extreme sports "star" doing a base jump off the north face from around 7220 metres!  Finally there's This one from the BBC'c Magazine shows the stark reality of how reaching the summit has almost become a procession.
One fact is that in 2012 on ONE day! 234 climbers reached the summit "my note here is that probably fewer in number made it up Ben Nevis on the same day"  There is although the sobering fact that since it was first climbed until 2011 5644 might have got to the summit but there were also 210 deaths!

It rained just about all day yesterday but at least we could keep saying "well its good for the garden".  All the rain though allowed me to finish another chapter in "my book" about my Army career.  Well almost, as I sat watching TV last night something triggered yet another funny story that must be added. I now just need to fit in the photographs before ploughing on to the next chapter.

Finally - - -We have had a number of Jackdaws on the bird feeders lately and this one yesterday took advantage of the fact I have moved the little food tray to a new spot to stand on it and have a go at just about everything on offer
   A squirrel who is a regular visitor and has a go at the peanut feeder also likes the new tray location and now sits on it to get at the nuts.
Fingers crossed today I might get in a bit of logging before the forecast rain arrives around lunchtime!
Back to the Fun Factory tomorrow for another round of 6 shifts hey ho!

Enjoy the day
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