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Monday 29 April 2013

Fights on Everest & Still no birds at the feeders?

I note this morning that the Daily Express has a headline of, "7 Golden rules to live longer".  If  you look at the Story behind it there's nothing new in the "7 Golden rules" that we haven't heard before from the various agencies who make it their job to nanny us along!  A lot of whats said is pretty "common sense" but i guess we all wander from the paths of righteousness now and again? 

I'm sure we are all aware of the dangers of climbing Everest and have followed the odd story where climbers attempts have ended in tragedy of one form or another.  It now however appears a new danger has emerged in the form of a fight at 25,000 feet  The Sky news story go's on to describe in detail the altercation between climbers and sherpa's and its repercussions down at base camp later. 
No doubt the "Police Probe" allegedly taking place will give more details. 

The promised rain for yesterday failed to appear so as planned i managed to get a load of wood for our winter store which is nearly full
 I think another good load should fill the store.  We will be bringing down more though and probably storing it at the front of Boris's car port.

With the good weather we have been having I have once again faltered on writing "my book".  It hasn't been the labour of love i thought it would be however i have yet to reach the more "interesting" part of my Army career.  I'm hoping that when i do it will be a little easier to maintain the discipline of  keeping at it!

I only have another months worth of pictures to take for my next time lapse project.  The recent pics are at last showing some signs of the spring that is most definitely with us.  This pic shows the leaves on the nearby trees coming into view now. 

Finally - - - I'm still perplexed as to why we haven't had the usual heavy use of the bird feeders for a couple of months now.  We were sat in the garden yesterday pondering the likely reasons.  Fewer birds due to the cold winter is one angle.  There are more cats around than last year which could also come into the mix.  We wondered if the birds feel exposed coming down to the feeders so i filled an old one with sunflower seeds and put it high up in our apple tree which was a position we used years ago.  I think it might take a couple of days for the birds to realise its there but we shall see. - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see our weather website
Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam

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