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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Phil2 leaves us "reluctantly" & There's a pink glow in the sky!

I have'nt blogged for a few days due to preparations to sell on Phil2 the Freelander since we put him up for sale on "Autotrader online" .  I returned form work on Sunday after Sally had taken a call and arranged for a lady to come and look at Phil2. 
The kitchen had 5 people in it and as the lady described her brood later, "none of them are small".  Anyway we looked around Phil2 took him for a test drive to Bakewell and back and the deal was done, Sold! 
We had agreed we could deliver Phil2 on Monday and i jumped into him at 0645 to go to work, "he wouldn't start!" Instant panic followed by some pushing and shoving to get him out of the way of Boris the Defender so i could get to work, 4 minutes late" 
Luckily we are on good terms with our local garage and after Sally went over with the tale of woe they sent a bloke across to look.  He used the central locking bodger to lock and unlock Phil turned the key and "hey presto" he started.  For some reason the "immobiliser" didn't trip off when i opened him and that was the reason he didn't start. Instant relief all round and Phil2 was duly delivered and £s exchanged!  I just need to get "Cyril" my Combo van back on the road and we shall be "Status Quo"

I see the Daily Express are in normal form with a headline the other day of "Simple Test For Diabetes"  "Thousands of lives could be saved" and one today of "Blood Pressure Breakthrough" New operation replaces need for daily drugs" 

Thankfully the 2nd "Boston Bomber" has been captured and "our" marathon went off without incident.  An old work mate, Tracy,  from the Remploy days was on it i wonder how she went on? Back to the Boston bomber thing though, apparently a group of people with a label of The internet detectives  conducted their own, high profile online investigation which lead to an individual being wrongly targeted and an apology was issued.  This "error" coming as it did in "Digital Stalking Awareness Week!" made the Awareness story all the more palpable!

Finally - - - Fresh from our triumph at selling Phil2 we settled done in the evening to watch a bit of TV when I noticed there seemed to be a pink glow!  Checking the alcohol content of the wine we were consuming i decided it wasn't responsible!  Looking outside though the sun had long sunk below the Western rim of our valley and a huge cloud formation passing overhead was bathed in its "pink" light
I popped out to take some pics of this phenomenon and here they are
This one shows the cloud formation, looking NW,  it was a bit like a storm front but without the rain  

This one, looking South, shows the pink tinge to the whole atmosphere reflecting off the clouds 

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam

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