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Wednesday 17 April 2013

Boston - London & the garden

The ugly face of terrorism either home grown or foreign has been firmly in the news over the last couple of days with the Boston Marathon bombing taking centre stage.  If you dig in the news items a bit you can always find an atrocity normally masquerading as a "strike for freedom" somewhere in the world.  I'm confused though as to why the bomber/s waited until 2 hours after the elite runners had completed the course?  Time will no doubt tell us.

In London preparations are complete for Margaret Thatchers funeral today, with supporters and opposers to the expense trumpeting their own stories of why and why it shouldn't be taking place.  I gather she didn't want a big funeral so am perplexed at the lavish send off.  "Out of touch with her public" says one story, "She made Britain great again" says another.  Put yourself in one or the other camp and lets get on with it!

Closer to home - I was just sitting down to blog when the now familiar "clonk" of the kitchen unit plinth being removed by the paws of "master hunter" Sainsbury the tabby cat was heard. On hands and knees and gently removing the cat by the rear end i noticed the humane mouse trap had been sprung.  Sure enough a large pair of eyes behind long whiskers confirmed my suspicions and it was duly freed under the garden shed. 

The garden has at last put on its spring mantle and produced an array of colour with Sally here enjoying the sunshine and daffodils.

The new pond filter arrived and has been installed cunningly hidden in the bamboo on the left of the picture so clear water is expected once again in the pond. 
Yesterday was a very windy day and as I prepared to go logging a particularly strong gust caught the washing pole and the pic below was the result. 
 The pole is still attached to the bit in the ground but with one of the arms also askew it looks like its time for a new one.  I dared to venture a suggestion that to hang the sheets "over" the line rather than "billow" peg them might have caused considerably less "drag" but this was roundly rebuffed by Sally!
After logging it was such a nice afternoon we fired up the barbie and enjoyed the sunshine
If the self timer had been a little longer it would have included the whole of Tom who was making for the spare seat!
Finally - - -  A little logging to do today its then over to Chesterfield to buy the new washing pole!  A lazy afternoon "doing the book" is in order before its back to the Salt Mine tomorrow for a series of shifts! 
Enjoy the day
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