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Friday 12 April 2013

Beiber fans are fakes & shoppers are confused?

I see that the Canadian singer Bieber is once again grasping for publicity, well theres no such thing as bad publicity is there! the story the BBC are carrying indicate that 50% of his "Twitter fans" are fakes because he has more than Lady Gaga.  Amazing what you can do with a few figures in a survey!

The death of Margaret Thatcher has spawned a  hate song that looks to be a chart hit if the BBC will play it!  Strange how the BBC can be the arbiter of what we can listen to when we pay their way, well some of us do!  We have had this kind of thing before and they always end up looking foolish so why don't they just play it.  Free speech and all that! I wonder if there'll be protesters at her funeral????????

My "favourite" paper once again has a cracker of a headline today for us "Back pain cured by a single injection" followed by "breakthrough treatment to bring relief to millions".  Reading the text behind the headline it talks of,  "bone marrow injections into the spine" and mentions the treatment "may be effective in certain patients!"  

A lengthy story on Sky news drones on about shoppers being confused by supermarkets packaging "own brand" items in similar or same shape containers and "almost" copying pictures and text on "branded" products.  Shoppers are said to be "annoyed" or felt they had been "mislead" after "mistakenly" buying an own brand instead of a branded product.  Maybe they should look at what they are buying in the first place, still it provided the "consumer group" responsible for the report with something to do!

Dont text while driving seems to be the thrust of This story by sky news about the death of a person who died after crashing their car while texting.  The threat of a fine and points on the licence seem to be non effective in the race to "stay in touch".  I remember a few years ago being amused while walking around Hong Kong because it looked as if "everyone" was staring at their mobile phones.  We are almost there! 

The bit of land at the top of the gardens to our terrace of houses looks as if it might have changed hands once again.  At one time each house had a very long garden but a developer who owned all the houses, chopped them off half way in the hope of building another house.  He however fell foul of the planning laws and in the end sold the land.

Our next door neighbour John "he of the garden tip" was taken to task about where he had placed a fence at the top of his patch as well as where his dog had been "doing her thing".  The "owner" of the land has said he will erect a fence across a bit of Johns garden because "I know where the boundary's supposed to be from the deeds".  In reality this is bullshit because there are no measurements on the deeds just a line on a piece of paper.  However proving it could prove expensive so i suggested John line his fence up with ours as he's nothing to lose really. 

Good news for John though in the last week he's had a new Central heating boiler fitted and bought a van to replace his "over 200,000 mile" ageing and sometimes sick Safira! times must be good.  The jungle drums indicate he might be moving in July - - -.  

Just checked our Euro millions ticket and  - - not won again, Sally has however just pointed out that the ticket is for TONIGHTS draw!    - - - Its my age!

Enjoy the day
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