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Monday 1 April 2013

Dead fleas in Germany & the pond plants get cut down to size

I spotted this little Gem on the BBC news site a story bout 300 fleas from a Flea Circus all die because of the cold!

It was cold yesterday even with the sunshine we experienced in the garden.  Once a year we cut down the plants in the pond of which we have a number contained in 2 large plastic baskets.  We disturbed but hopefully didn't kill any of the mature or young frogs who were diving for cover as we pulled out the first one seen in this pic
Here Sally cuts away the growth outside the (green) basket.  The amount of extra growth can be seen discarded in the box on the bridge.  The idea is just to stop the plants taking over.
The second one just had a haircut as the underwater bits didn't look too bad and the water was Freezing on the hands.  It all looks a bit extreme at first but the new shoots always win the day.
It was a nice sunny day, Iff not a little cold out of the sunshine.  You can just make out "Tom" the cat as a black splodge sitting on the left hand chair (middle bottom of the pic). 
  Our other cat "Sainsbury" was having none of it, preferring to lie on a cushion on a bedroom windowsill while I clean the window!
Flushed with our success in the pond department we brave the elements to sit in the sunshine and have a glass of wine.  "Tom" has the warmest seat! 

The weather features again in a Mauritius story  carried by the BBC.  11 people die in severe flooding as a result of a few hours rain, blamed on climate change. 

Finally - - - our next door neighbour "John" he of the garden stories featured in the blog!  has posted on his facebook page that his car has broken down again!  I popped a note on his door telling him he can buy my Freelander! 

Enjoy the day
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