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Sunday 31 March 2013

More mountain/snow deaths & even the police trip up

I was told a few days ago of the death of a Fijian, Fred Marafono.  He was one of the many young men recruited from their islands into the British Army in the 1960's.  A number of them finished up in the SAS and distinguished themselves as true warriors.  His Obituary was in the Telegraph a couple of days ago and is a testament to a great man.  Worth a read
Here's a pic I took of Fred in the 70's clearing unexploded munitions in the Oman. 

The results from the RSPB's "Big Garden Birdwatch" are in and make harrowing reading especially when you consider how cold its been since it took place at the end of Jan.  Here's hoping for a bumper summer so that they might have a chance to increase their numbers generally.

I mentioned not long ago that their might be "trouble ahead" when the remains of the "King in the Car Park" Richard III were eventually re-buried.  A group calling themselves the "Plantagenet Alliance" are kicking up a fuss to have him buried in York! 

With the renewed snow and cold weather around the British Isles inevitably the news is peppered with deaths/injuries on the mountains.  An off piste skier missing in Glencoe, a man falls and breaks his arm while ice climbing on the Snowden Horseshoe and another dies falling off a "Summer walking route" on Glyder Fawr in Snowdonia.  You have to take your hat off to the mountain rescue teams that put themselves in danger to rescue or recover their fellow men. 

"Incredulous" is the way a petrol station owner describes a £50000 claim against him by a woman PC.  He had called the police to investigate when the alarm went off at the petrol station.  The Woman PC tripped over a 6 inch kerb while investigating!   She then employs a firm of lawyers to persue the claim! 

Dont forget to watch the boat race at 1630 this afternoon. Brrrrrrrrrr! come on Cambridge! 

Finally - - - I'm pleased to report that the blog passed the 10,000 hits mark yesterday which is a pretty good milestone since starting it in July 2011.  Thanks everyone and - - - Read On! 
Enjoy the day
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